ros-navigation / navigation2

ROS 2 Navigation Framework and System
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Remove old Gazebo stuff once new gazebo lands #4386

Closed tonynajjar closed 1 month ago

tonynajjar commented 1 month ago

In we commented out stuff from old gazebo to get CI up and running. This task is a reminder to clean those up new gazebo is up and running.

SteveMacenski commented 1 month ago

Can you enumerate these please in a checklist! That way we don't miss anything in a couple of weeks

tonynajjar commented 1 month ago

Let's put it that way: grep for gazebo_ros_pkgs and turtlebot3_gazebo and make sure they are removed or replaced by their superseding package. nothing else.

(easier than listing every instance)

SteveMacenski commented 1 month ago

:+1: Just as long as when we move on and forget the details we know what to do. Sounds good hah

stevedanomodolor commented 1 month ago

@SteveMacenski is the main still pointing to rolling? I am having many issues trying to simulate building the docker for ros rolling. Does nav2 still support rolling, when we develop for main, should it be based on rolling?. The current documentation seem to be only for humble and does not work for rolling.

INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /root/.ros/log/2024-06-03-22-01-45-130642-stevedan-145
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): Caught multiple exceptions when trying to load file of format [py]:
 - PackageNotFoundError: "package 'turtlebot3_gazebo' not found, searching: ['/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_system_tests', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_bringup', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/navigation2', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_smoother', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_graceful_controller', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_dwb_controller', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_controller', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/dwb_plugins', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/dwb_critics', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/dwb_core', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav_2d_utils', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/dwb_msgs', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav_2d_msgs', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_waypoint_follower', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_theta_star_planner', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_smac_planner', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_rotation_shim_controller', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_planner', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_navfn_planner', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_mppi_controller', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_constrained_smoother', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_bt_navigator', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_behaviors', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_core', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_collision_monitor', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/costmap_queue', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_costmap_2d', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_voxel_grid', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_velocity_smoother', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_rviz_plugins', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_map_server', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_lifecycle_manager', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_behavior_tree', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_amcl', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_util', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_simple_commander', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_msgs', '/opt/overlay_ws/install/nav2_common', '/opt/ros/rolling']"
 - InvalidFrontendLaunchFileError: The launch file may have a syntax error, or its format is unknown
SteveMacenski commented 1 month ago

The system tests in rolling are commented out since we do not have a working simulation in new-gazebo yet.

We would love the help though if interested :-) There's alot of moving parts and there's some activities that are parallelizable

stevedanomodolor commented 1 month ago

Sure, It is a blocking m development also so jajajaja. I would need more context though

SteveMacenski commented 1 month ago

This gets the ball rolling with a TB3 sim but isn't released in binaries for us to be able to use in Nav2 so I think my current thought process is to:

So the TB3 stuff in the fork + doing the system tests could be parallelized with me getting the TB4 stuff completed and ready for bringup, if you were open to helping!

stevedanomodolor commented 1 month ago

For now understood, will probably ask for more info later, but this should be good for a starting point

SteveMacenski commented 1 month ago

Beyond the simple commander and system tests that need to be ported (see this is done. Closing