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interactive_waypoint_follower can not get robot_localization state #74

Closed Cristian-wp closed 9 months ago

Cristian-wp commented 9 months ago

Hello, I am trying to run the Interactive GPS Waypoint Follower. I have launch these instruction: TERMINAL 1: ros2 launch nav2_gps_waypoint_follower_demo use_rviz:=False TERMINAL 2: ros2 launch nav2_gps_waypoint_follower_demo TERMINAL 3: ros2 run nav2_gps_waypoint_follower_demo interactive_waypoint_follower

When I run interactive_waypoint_follower node and click on mapviz to send waypoint I get fle ollowing output from its terminal(TERMINAL 3):

ros2 run nav2_gps_waypoint_follower_demo interactive_waypoint_follower
[INFO] [1701172139.520198172] [basic_navigator]: robot_localization/get_state service not available, waiting...
[INFO] [1701172140.522618706] [basic_navigator]: robot_localization/get_state service not available, waiting...
[INFO] [1701172141.524480719] [basic_navigator]: robot_localization/get_state service not available, waiting...
[INFO] [1701172142.526854488] [basic_navigator]: robot_localization/get_state service not available, waiting...
[INFO] [1701172143.529257288] [basic_navigator]: robot_localization/get_state service not available, waiting...
[INFO] [1701172144.531678462] [basic_navigator]: robot_localization/get_state service not available, waiting...
[INFO] [1701172145.533696952] [basic_navigator]: robot_localization/get_state service not available, waiting...
[INFO] [1701172146.535800306] [basic_navigator]: robot_localization/get_state service not available, waiting...

And this from nav2_gps_waypoint_follower_demo mapviz terminal(TERMINAL 2):

[mapviz-1] [WARN] [1701172112.460493075] [swri_transform_util::Transformer]: Wgs84Transformer not initialized
[mapviz-1] [WARN] [1701172112.460534350] [swri_transform_util::Transformer]: Wgs84Transformer not initialized
[] [INFO] [1701172112.461930965] [initialize_origin]: Got NavSat message.
[] [INFO] [1701172112.462575108] [initialize_origin]: Origin from 'navsat' source set to 38.1614564605658, -122.45460714408775, 488.3200360890478
[] [INFO] [1701172112.463337905] [initialize_origin]: Successfully set origin; unsubscribing.
[mapviz-1] [INFO] [1701172112.480655151] [mapviz]: OK
[mapviz-1] [INFO] [1701172112.482309682] [mapviz]: OK
[mapviz-1] [INFO] [1701172138.485441870] [mapviz]: Point in wgs84: -122.454,38.1612

Why the robot_localization/get_state service is not avaiable? I have not change anything in the example code.

SteveMacenski commented 9 months ago responded on robotics stack exchange

do not cross post You are far less likely to get maintainer's help if you do.

Cristian-wp commented 9 months ago

@SteveMacenski I perfectly understan your point of view, and I am sorry if I am annoying with this behavior.

ZaBy10 commented 8 months ago

Hii @Cristian-wp , Did you get the solution of this ?? I am facing the same issue!!

Cristian-wp commented 8 months ago

Hi @ZaBy10 the solution is simple...The waypoint follower is not implemented inside Huble. If you need to use that, you must switch to Iron branch

ZaBy10 commented 7 months ago

Hi @Cristian-wp , Thanks for the reply , Can i just run the package in a dockerfile consisting of ros2 iron??

Cristian-wp commented 7 months ago

@ZaBy10 I have not do it, I have test it in a fresh Ubuntu 22 with ROS Iron. I have not experience with docker, but if it works let me know please :)