Everything outside the code needs to be called c_u_m_py. camera_info_manager without the _py will make this package unable for clean imports into other packages.
especially in the init.py.
After I appended everything outside the camera_info_manager_py.py with the "_py" it finally worked to simply import camera_info_manager_py from another package without any additions to its CM-ake or pack-age.
IDK why IT needs to be that hard. Probably because
like described here: https://roboticsbackend.com/ros-import-python-module-from-another-package/
Everything outside the code needs to be called c_u_m_py. camera_info_manager without the _py will make this package unable for clean imports into other packages.
especially in the init.py.
After I appended everything outside the camera_info_manager_py.py with the "_py" it finally worked to simply import camera_info_manager_py from another package without any additions to its CM-ake or pack-age.
IDK why IT needs to be that hard. Probably because