Currently running two setups for testing, first one is being run on the desktop computer where the relevant realsense ros wrappers were installed. Second one is the Jetson Orin NX L4T Jetpack 5.1.
When running the same setup on a Jetson Orin Nx 16Gb device however there are issues with being able to produce the laser scan from the topic remap:
this topic is of the Type: sensor_msgs/Image.
Is there any explanation why this package is unable to run on the Jetson compared to a normal x86_64 desktop? - where the code setup is completely the same. I have also checked the topics being published and both have data being published on the /camera/depth/image_rect_raw topic.
Is there another way I can use this package? and provide different inputs so it is able to function on the Jetsion Orin Nx? Appreciate the help in advnce, also please let me know what other files you require
Currently running two setups for testing, first one is being run on the desktop computer where the relevant realsense ros wrappers were installed. Second one is the Jetson Orin NX L4T Jetpack 5.1.
When running the same setup on a Jetson Orin Nx 16Gb device however there are issues with being able to produce the laser scan from the topic remap:
this topic is of the Type: sensor_msgs/Image.
Is there any explanation why this package is unable to run on the Jetson compared to a normal x86_64 desktop? - where the code setup is completely the same. I have also checked the topics being published and both have data being published on the /camera/depth/image_rect_raw topic.
Is there another way I can use this package? and provide different inputs so it is able to function on the Jetsion Orin Nx? Appreciate the help in advnce, also please let me know what other files you require