ros-perception / image_common

Common code for working with images in ROS
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Header Information and Clean Way to Use Republish with Remote Machines #165

Open govvijaycal opened 4 years ago

govvijaycal commented 4 years ago


I am using image_transport to republish images coming from a remote machine as shown:

Machine A (Remote): publishes compressed images on topic X

Machine B (Host): republishes compressed images on topic X (for usage with rosbag record or nodes on machine B)

I am wondering the following: (1) What header is used by the republish node? Is it the original header/timestamp or is it a new header generated at when the republish node receives the information?

(2) From a bandwidth point of view, I understand it's best for nodes on Machine B to subscribe to a producer (e.g. the republish node in my example) on Machine B.

Is there a clean way to hide topics only published by Machine A, so that Machine B don't accidentally subscribe to them and cause bandwidth issues?

My current solution is to use a namespace prefix to specify which topics are published by Machine A, but that leads to many similarly named topics viewable by Machine B.

Thanks for the help!