ros-perception / image_pipeline

An image processing pipeline for ROS.
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radial point cloud nodes assume unrectified images #388

Open madsherlock opened 5 years ago

madsherlock commented 5 years ago

The depth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyz_radial and depth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyz_radial nodes apply a projective transformation to depth images to produce point clouds.

This projective transformation is calculated from the camera matrix K from the camera_info topic. In my opinion, this transformation should be calculated from the projection matrix P from the camera_info topic, if available, as well as from the rectification rotation matrix R. These can be provided to the cv::undistortPoints() function from within the initMatrix() method of the nodelet.

It would allow the camera_info topic to be fully utilized; I need a translation contained within the projection matrix to be applied to the point cloud before it is in the right frame.

Is the current behavior (only using K) intended or a bug?

mikeferguson commented 5 months ago

I started to look into this, and it turned into a bit of a rabbit hole:

For starters - let's review which nodes use what (I'm only looking at the rolling branch for now, because any changes are likely to only go there):

Per the sensor_msgs/CameraInfo message:

There is quite a bit of good discussion on this - but basically, it agrees with CameraInfo:

Looking back at the earlier history, xyz_radial and xyzi_radial were the first ones implemented - and they subscribe to image_raw - which would be appropriate when using K and D (as currently done in the code). It looks like when xyzrgb_radial was added it subscribes to an image_rect topics but still uses K and D matrix (that is inconsistent). To further complicate things, I just recently renamed image_raw->image_rect in those two nodes (

So, I think I should revert the image_raw->image_rect in xyz_radial and xyzi_radial, and instead flip xyzrgb_radial to use image_raw - and add some docs that note these expect raw, rather than rectified images.

This doesn't actually sort out the original issue mentioned here - which I presume to be a somewhat differently configured camera (one that is already rectified).

mikeferguson commented 5 months ago

PR to update topics: