ros-perception / image_pipeline

An image processing pipeline for ROS.
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Topics do not appear to be synchronized #977

Open Rudresh172 opened 2 months ago

Rudresh172 commented 2 months ago

We are trying to use a stereo camera setup to generate pointcloud. This is our desired flow - Screenshot from 2024-05-02 00-33-12

We are using the image_proc node for rectification of images. We have created a custom publisher which subscribes to the /camera_info topic and publishes out the /camera_info_rect at the same publish rate (60) -

    CameraInfoPublisher() : Node("camera_info_publisher")
        camera_ = this->declare_parameter("camera", "camera0");

        image_sub_ = this->create_subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo>("/olive/camera/olv_cam01/camera_info", 60,
              std::bind(&CameraInfoPublisher::image_callback_01, this, _1));

        image_sub2_ = this->create_subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo>("/olive/camera/olv_cam02/camera_info", 60,
              std::bind(&CameraInfoPublisher::image_callback_02, this, _1));

        publisher_ = this->create_publisher<sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo>("/olive/camera/olv_cam01/camera_info_rect", 60);
        publisher2_ = this->create_publisher<sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo>("/olive/camera/olv_cam02/camera_info_rect", 60); ///olive/camera/olv_cam02/camera_info_rect

But it gives out this warning message in the terminal -

[image_proc-7] [WARN] [1714602948.619293932] [rect_left]: [image_transport] Topics '/olive/camera/olv_cam01/image_raw' and '/camera_info' do not appear to be synchronized. In the last 10s:
[image_proc-7]  Image messages received:      0
[image_proc-7]  CameraInfo messages received: 36
[image_proc-7]  Synchronized pairs:           0
[image_proc-6] [WARN] [1714602948.713715736] [rect_right]: [image_transport] Topics '/olive/camera/olv_cam02/image_raw' and '/camera_info' do not appear to be synchronized. In the last 10s:
[image_proc-6]  Image messages received:      0
[image_proc-6]  CameraInfo messages received: 38
[image_proc-6]  Synchronized pairs:           0

Eventually, the pointcloud stops publishing (after around 2-3 minutes of use) We want to know If this is happening because of the above warning? Note that I am using a 40GB RAM i9 along with a RTX 3060, so we don't think compute is a problem here.

Our launch file is -

camera_info_rect = Node(

    rect_right = Node(
        arguments=['image:=/olive/camera/olv_cam02/image_raw', 'image_rect:=/olive/camera/olv_cam02/image_rect', 'camera_info:=/olive/camera/olv_cam02/camera_info_rect'],

    rect_left = Node(
        arguments=['image:=/olive/camera/olv_cam01/image_raw', 'image_rect:=/olive/camera/olv_cam01/image_rect', 'camera_info:=/olive/camera/olv_cam01/camera_info_rect'],

    disparity_node = Node(
                'approximate_sync': True,
                'use_system_default_qos': False,
                'stereo_algorithm': 0,
                'prefilter_size': 9,
                'prefilter_cap': 31,
                'correlation_window_size': 15,
                'min_disparity': -70,
                'disparity_range': 64,
                'texture_threshold': 10,
                'speckle_size': 100,
                'speckle_range': 4,
                'disp12_max_diff': 0,
                'uniqueness_ratio': 15.0,
                'P1': 200.0,
                'full_dp': False
                ('left/image_rect', '/olive/camera/olv_cam01/image_rect'), 
                ('left/camera_info', '/olive/camera/olv_cam01/camera_info_rect'),   
                ('right/image_rect', '/olive/camera/olv_cam02/image_rect'), 

    pointcloud_node = Node(
            executable= 'point_cloud_node',
                'approximate_sync': True,
                'avoid_point_cloud_padding': False,
                'use_color': True,
                'use_system_default_qos': False,
                ('left/camera_info', '/olive/camera/olv_cam01/camera_info_rect'), 
                ('right/camera_info', '/olive/camera/olv_cam02/camera_info_rect'), 
                    'left/image_rect_color', '/olive/camera/olv_cam01/image_rect'

    pointcloud_to_laserscan = Node(
            package='pointcloud_to_laserscan', executable='pointcloud_to_laserscan_node',
            remappings=[('cloud_in',  '/points2'),
                        ('scan', '/scan')],
                'target_frame': 'base_link',
                'transform_tolerance': 0.01,
                'min_height': 0.0,
                'max_height': 1.0,
                'angle_min': -1.5708,  # -M_PI/2
                'angle_max': 1.5708,  # M_PI/2
                'angle_increment': 0.00174, #0.1 DEG  #0.0087,  # M_PI/360.0
                'scan_time': 0.3333,
                'range_min': 0.0,
                'range_max': 20.0,
                'use_inf': True,
                'inf_epsilon': 0.01 # 1.0


JWhitleyWork commented 2 months ago

By default, nodes use a SingleThreadedExecutor which executes callbacks sequentially rather than in parallel. However, even a MultiThreadedExecutor would not really solve this issue. The solution is to use a message_filters::Synchronizer to time-synchronize the subscriptions. A basic example can be found here:

Rudresh172 commented 2 months ago

Hello @JWhitleyWork,

Thanks a lot for your quick response. Do we need Time synchronizer since the ros2 camera plugin is publishing /image_raw and /camera_info msgs which are already synchronized? We are subscribing to camera01/camera_info and publishing camera01/camera_info_rect and similarly for camera02. This is our callback -

    void image_callback_01(sensor_msgs::msg::Image::SharedPtr img_msg)
      // start with a blank message
      sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo info;

      path file_path = ament_index_cpp::get_package_share_directory("camera_intrinsics");
      //file_path /= path("config") / path(camera_ + "_cal") / path("ost.yaml");
      file_path /= path("config") / path("left_40.yaml");

      std::string saved_name; // camera name in file - to be loaded

      // parse the calibration into a CameraInfo message
      if (!camera_calibration_parsers::readCalibration(file_path, saved_name, info))
        RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Error parsing calibration");

      // need to fill in timestamp and frame info
      info.header = img_msg->header;

      //RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Publishing camera info");


    void image_callback_02(sensor_msgs::msg::Image::SharedPtr img_msg)
      // start with a blank message
      sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo info;

      path file_path = ament_index_cpp::get_package_share_directory("camera_intrinsics");
      file_path /= path("config") / path("right_40.yaml");

      std::string saved_name; // camera name in file - to be loaded

      // parse the calibration into a CameraInfo message
      if (!camera_calibration_parsers::readCalibration(file_path, saved_name, info))
        RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Error parsing calibration");

      // need to fill in timestamp and frame info
      info.header = img_msg->header;

      //RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Publishing camera info");


    rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::Image>::SharedPtr image_sub_;
    rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::Image>::SharedPtr image_sub2_;
    rclcpp::Publisher<sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo>::SharedPtr publisher_;
    rclcpp::Publisher<sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo>::SharedPtr publisher2_;
    std::string camera_;


We also tried subscribing to /image_raw instead of /camera_info since we are using the header directly from subscription, but it gives the same issue. When we use the "" and remap the topics, it works without issues. Is it because of the use of composable node and GroupAction?

mikeferguson commented 1 month ago

So I just scanned this issue - not digging super deep - but I'm going to to note it looks like you are using the "image_proc" node in ROS2 - which, basically has been horribly broken for a long time (I'm not sure it ever worked - it creates two instances of RectifyNode internally but doesn't set any names for them, so they have the same parameters). That node was actually removed in - and that PR also makes the actually work (in porting the documentation, I tested all of these things).

Docs are now building here: - and there is a tutorial on using the launch file. I'm not sure which ROS2 distro you are using, some of the fixes haven't been ported all the way back