ros-perception / laser_filters

Assorted filters designed to operate on 2D planar laser scanners, which use the sensor_msgs/LaserScan type.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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No output /base_scan or /scan_filtered in LaserScanAngularBoundsFilter #187

Open gokcesena opened 8 months ago

gokcesena commented 8 months ago

Hello, I am using the Noetic version and I have a rplidar a2m12 lidar. I want to use LaserScanAngularBoundsFilter, the launch and yaml file for this is as follows: launch: `


yaml: `scan_filter_chain:

When I type "roslaunch laser_filters angle_filter_example.launch" into the terminal and call rostopic list, I get the following

output: `/base_scan /rosout /rosout_agg /scan /scan_filtered'
When I run rostopic echo /base_scan or rostopic echo /scan_filtered, no output appears in the terminal. Can you help me?