ros-perception / laser_filters

Assorted filters designed to operate on 2D planar laser scanners, which use the sensor_msgs/LaserScan type.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Feature: ros2 port for all filters #189

Open berend-kupers opened 5 months ago

berend-kupers commented 5 months ago


I have added ROS2 support for the following filters, which did have support in noetic-devel:

Key changes


Functionality Status:

Note: I want to mention two issues that I've noticed in the already ported laser filters, which would be best to fix in the filters package.

  1. In box_filter and speckle_filter a (lifecycle-) node is created to create a tf listener (box_filter) and to create a on_set_parameters_callback (speckle_filter). When you start a filter chain and rename the node via launch files, it overrides the name for all node instances. So you get the error:

Publisher already registered for provided node name.

  1. Dynamically setting a parameter doesn´t seem to work, even though the speckles_filter does have an on_set_parameters_callback implemented. If I use ros2 param set ..., I get the error:

Setting parameter failed: parameter 'filter2.params.filter_type' cannot be set because it is read-only

I think these parameters are set to read-only in the filters package.

Please let me know if you have any feedback. I would be happy to make any necessary changes.

Kind regards,

Berend Kupers Lowpad