ros-perception / opencv_apps
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Depth map as input #107

Open Ahmad-Drak opened 3 years ago

Ahmad-Drak commented 3 years ago


When i try to launch any of the apps (i tried edge_detection and find_contours) when specifying the image:="/camera/depth/image_rect_raw" the node crashes with console output below



  • /edge_detection/L2gradient: False
  • /edge_detection/apertureSize: 3
  • /edge_detection/apply_blur_post: False
  • /edge_detection/apply_blur_pre: True
  • /edge_detection/canny_threshold1: 100
  • /edge_detection/canny_threshold2: 200
  • /edge_detection/debug_view: True
  • /edge_detection/edge_type: 2
  • /edge_detection/postBlurSigma: 3.2
  • /edge_detection/postBlurSize: 13
  • /edge_detection/queue_size: 3
  • /edge_detection/use_camera_info: False
  • /rosdistro: melodic
  • /rosversion: 1.14.6

NODES / edge_detection (opencv_apps/edge_detection)


process[edge_detection-1]: started with pid [16725] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv_bridge::Exception' what(): [16UC1] is not a color format. but [bgr8] is. The conversion does not make sense [edge_detection-1] process has died [pid 16725, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/opencv_apps/edge_detection image:=/camera/depth/image_rect_raw __name:=edge_detection __log:=/home/ahmad/.ros/log/1790e8f4-cf2d-11ea-8e04-54271e90ab2d/edge_detection-1.log]. log file: /home/ahmad/.ros/log/1790e8f4-cf2d-11ea-8e04-54271e90ab2d/edge_detection-1*.log all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete

I understand the error is about the encoding used (bgr8). Is there a way to specify the depth map info (16uc1) as input?

Can this be edited to handle the depth map input? or is there a better/standard way?