ros-perception / opencv_apps
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Launch file crashes on giving a real image topic. #51

Open parhartanvir opened 7 years ago

parhartanvir commented 7 years ago

Whenever I run the following command roslaunch opencv_apps lk_flow.launch image:=one_image_raw

It crashes with the following error

[lk_flow-1] process has died [pid 6645, exit code -11, cmd /home/frcvision/catkin_ws/devel/lib/opencv_apps/lk_flow image:=one_image_raw __name:=lk_flow __log:=/home/frcvision/.ros/log/c914a1be-ffac-11e6-88c1-d8cb8ac73819/lk_flow-1.log]. log file: /home/frcvision/.ros/log/c914a1be-ffac-11e6-88c1-d8cb8ac73819/lk_flow-1*.log

The file *lk_flow-1.log** is always empty.

Thanks, Tanvir

iory commented 7 years ago

If you installed ros-indigo-opencv3, please try following steps.

mkdir -p ~/ws_opencv_apps/src
cd ~/ws_opencv_apps/src
cd ~/ws_opencv_apps
catkin init
cd ~/ws_opencv_apps/src
wstool init
wstool set --git opencv_apps -y
rosinstall_generator image_pipeline --upstream >> .rosinstall.opencv3; fi # need to recompile image_proc
rosinstall_generator compressed_image_transport --upstream >> .rosinstall.opencv3; fi # need to recompile compressed_image_transport
rosinstall_generator vision_opencv --upstream >> .rosinstall.opencv3; fi # need to recompile visoin_opencv
wstool merge .rosinstall.opencv3; fi # need to recompile visoin_opencv
wstool up

source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
catkin b
source ~/ws_opencv_apps/devel/setup.bash
k-okada commented 7 years ago

@iory why you assume @parhartanvir is using opencv3 @parhartanvir running with opencv3 on indigo is super experimental settings, we do not recommend to use that, even if works for opencv_apps, it will have side-effects to other repository @parhartanvir please provide OS version, ROS version when you run your application,

roslaunch --screen opencv_apps lk_flow.launch image:=one_image_raw

will show more information and also lk_flow-1*.log is empty, please check other files in /home/frcvision/.ros/log/c914a1be-ffac-11e6-88c1-d8cb8ac73819/

iory commented 7 years ago

why you assume @parhartanvir is using opencv3

I have seen a similar error, and I suspected it was the effect of opencv3.

hh129sss5 commented 2 years ago


hh129sss5 commented 2 years ago


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