ros-perception / openslam_gmapping

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question about ScanMatcher::score #15

Open asmashine opened 7 years ago

asmashine commented 7 years ago

in this function ,to caculate pfree,there are double freeDelta=map.getDelta()*m_freeCellRatio;and pfree.x+=(*r-map.getDelta()*freeDelta)*cos(lp.theta+*angle); pfree.y+=(*r-map.getDelta()*freeDelta)*sin(lp.theta+*angle);; obviously r - delta^2sqrt(2) (freeDelta = sqrt(2))
i think r - delta
sqart(2) can show the range of pfree ,but the equation above i don't know its mean.

lmy19880626 commented 7 years ago

me too! I need the explanation.

KOTOKORURU commented 6 years ago

I have the same question ,have you sloved it?

1344618323 commented 5 years ago

me too! I think there's a bug!

topin89 commented 4 years ago

I think this is a bug that was shadowed by another bug, making everything about pfree, ipfree, pf and fcell irrelevant.

And yes,


should be replaced with


With these two bugs solved, gmapping stops looking for best score inside a wall.

topin89 commented 4 years ago

Oh, there is a PR to fix that: