Closed Sanic closed 10 years ago
Sorry, I don't have any experience in using PCL 1.7 in Groovy, I would recommend using Hydro if you need PCL 1.7. Perhaps someone else has experience integrating the two though.
How to use PCL1.7 in Groovy: It has been tested successfully :)
$ mkdir -p pcl_ws/src
$ cd pcl_ws/src
$ git clone -b groovy-unstable-devel
$ cd perception_pcl
$ git checkout 528328f
$ cd ..
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make_isolated
[above step takes awhile]
$ cd
$ rosmake file
running catkin_make_isolated fails and gives make errors and says: Failed to processs package 'pcl'
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And when you do, please include more information, we cannot do infer anything from "fails and gives make errors and says: Failed to processs package 'pcl'".
i am currently trying to build a PCL Overlay to work with PCL 1.7 under ROS Groovy. I therefore did the following steps (thanks to some mailinglist posts) :
PCL seems to build fine so far, but the compilation of pcl_conversion breaks with a couple of similar errors messages. Here is the first one of them:
Does somebody know what causes this?