ros-perception / perception_pcl

PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack
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Organize point cloud #347

Open Jaetriel opened 2 years ago

Jaetriel commented 2 years ago

Hey, so I've got a point cloud of type PointCloudXYZI::Ptr from a lidar only, which then gets converted to a sensor_msgs::PointCloud2, but it's unorganized. My goal would be to be able to use the existing convert_point_cloud_to_image node to get an image topic but I am not sure how to organize the point cloud. Are there existing methods to do that or would I have to write my own?

roncapat commented 7 months ago

Have you solved? Does your Lidar provides points in a matrix form (i.e. ordered as pixels, such that there is a corresponding pinhole camera model or a CameraInfo message available)?