ros-perception / slam_gmapping
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Getting PoseStamped from gmapping #69

Closed chowjf closed 4 years ago

chowjf commented 5 years ago

Dear developers/users, Recently I used gmapping packages to perform SLAM (mapping and also localization), but the pose information was generated via /tf2 msg. To compared with other potential packages, I visualized the pose via matlab but the resultant graph was frustrating. Anyone can help? Or how should I able to get PoseStamped data from gmapping. Below is the link for necessary files:

1) Path plotted (gmapping):

2) bag file contains laser scan and /tf:

3) launch files:

4) bag file contains /tf2 generated by gmapping:

5) comparison of alternative package:

LuigiCerone commented 4 years ago

Any news on this?

chowjf commented 4 years ago

You can use hector_trajectory_server node to listen to /tf message and publish as trajectory path which provides more stable outcome.