ros-perception / slam_gmapping
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catkin_make the code in Melodic ,but generate maps slowly or not updated #76

Open 3shao opened 5 years ago

3shao commented 5 years ago

ROS Melodic is building from source ,, I can run the launch successfully, but generate maps slowly or not updated, how can i do? Thanks!

k-okada commented 5 years ago

which branch did you used for ? master or meldoic-devel?

3shao commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your reply. I use master, meldoic-devel didn't release. Now I use meldoic-devel , but when I run the launch, the error :

/opt/ros/melodic/lib/gmapping/slam_gmapping: symbol lookup error: /opt/ros/melodic/lib/gmapping/slam_gmapping: undefined symbol: _ZN8GMapping14sampleGaussianEdm
[slam_gmapping-19] process has died [pid 3815, exit code 127, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/gmapping/slam_gmapping scan:=scan __name:=slam_gmapping __log:=/home/skybot/.ros/log/10a425f8-a2cc-11e9-800b-00e067102061/slam_gmapping-19.log].
log file: /home/skybot/.ros/log/10a425f8-a2cc-11e9-800b-00e067102061/slam_gmapping-19*.log

the 1.3.10 for How can I use the Correct version to compile?

ArcticCat commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem with slow map generations on melodic-devel. Has anyone found a solution?

k-okada commented 4 years ago

can you provide how we can reproduce your problem? with simulation ( or bug files?

imutkarshpatil commented 4 years ago

@3shao, While doing catkin_make, have you used the argument -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release? If not, then please try adding it, as I have observed significant performance improvements with 'Release' builds.