ros-perception / vision_msgs

Algorithm-agnostic computer vision message types for ROS.
Apache License 2.0
149 stars 72 forks source link

Cannot find vision_msgs/msg/detail/bounding_box2_d__struct.hpp #88

Open jainishmehta opened 1 year ago

jainishmehta commented 1 year ago

HI, I am having a similar issue with this: /home/jainish/ros2_ws/build/webots_ros2_msgs/rosidl_generator_cpp/webots_ros2_msgs/msg/detail/camera_recognition_objectstruct.hpp:23:10: fatal error: vision_msgs/msg/detail/bounding_box2_d__struct.hpp: No such file or directory 23 | #include "vision_msgs/msg/detail/bounding_box2_dstruct.hpp"

The other packages like geometric_msgs works fine though.

Kukanani commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry to hear you're having trouble. Could you please provide reproduction steps? What version of ROS are you running, what command are you running that errors out, what are you trying to build (looks like webots_ros2_msgs, what version)?

jainishmehta commented 1 year ago This is ROS2. Yeah, it is from webots_ros2_msg. If you follow the instructions on the link. WHere you first

  1. mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
  2. cd ~/ros2_ws git clone --recurse-submodules src/webots_ros2
  3. sudo apt install python3-pip python3-rosdep python3-colcon-common-extensions sudo rosdep init && rosdep update rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
  4. colcon build

The colcon build is where it gets stuck n it. Do I need to redownload the package for vision_msgs, I'm not sure.


Something like geometry_msgs has the right .hpp, but not vision_msgs. image

This is the file: image


SteveMacenski commented 1 year ago

Is that IDL generated code for the messages or your actual code? if its not your actual code, link the msgs file you're using. If this is your file, why are you using internal detail struct includes instead of the normal messages? This also looks like you're using Crystal, which is ancient and could very well not include necessary types or features that this package leverages.