ros-perception / vision_opencv

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Fix incorrect case for CameraInfo msg members in test #526

Closed ScottMonaghan closed 3 months ago

ScottMonaghan commented 3 months ago

tldr; this PR fixes a simple case bug in test, but tests are not run by colcon test

While working on the issue below,

I discovered two things:

  1. colcon test does not appear to be running they test for the python portion of the code
  2. produced the error below
=================================== FAILURES ===================================

___________________________ TestDirected.test_stereo ___________________________

self = <directed.TestDirected testMethod=test_stereo>

    def test_stereo(self):


        # These parameters taken from a real camera calibration

>       lmsg.D =  [-0.363528858080088, 0.16117037733986861, -8.1109585007538829e-05, -0.00044776712298447841, 0.0]

E       AttributeError: 'CameraInfo' object has no attribute 'D' AttributeError

The immediate fix was simple enough to correct the case on the CameraInfo object members.

After the fix the test ran with expected warning around the matrix object:

============================= test session starts ==============================

platform linux -- Python 3.10.12, pytest-7.4.3, pluggy-0.13.0

rootdir: /home/ros2/ros2_workspaces/src/vision_opencv

configfile: pytest.ini

plugins: ament-pep257-0.16.3, launch-testing-3.4.0, ament-xmllint-0.16.3, ament-copyright-0.16.3, launch-testing-ros-0.26.4, ament-lint-0.16.3, ament-flake8-0.16.3, rerunfailures-13.0, colcon-core-0.16.0, cov-3.0.0

collected 2 items                                                       ..                                                           [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================

image_geometry/test/ 425 warnings

  Warning: the matrix subclass is not the recommended way to represent matrices or deal with linear algebra (see Please adjust your code to use regular ndarray.

-- Docs:

======================= 2 passed, 425 warnings in 0.45s ========================

@ijnek, is it intentional that the tests aren't run with colcon test? If not I'll create a new issue for that.

ijnek commented 3 months ago

This test seems like it was commented out during the ROS 2 port. Please reenable the test.

ijnek commented 3 months ago

Just pushed one small change to disable test_monocular, since there are no tests runing inside it, and it clutters the terminal with misleading print outs.