ros-simulation / gazebo_ros_demos

Example robots and code for interfacing Gazebo with ROS
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Correctly install library in devel/lib space #13

Closed wkentaro closed 8 years ago

wkentaro commented 8 years ago

add_library() should be called after catkin_package()

wkentaro commented 8 years ago

Without this change, I cannot find in devel/lib. (but in build/gazebo_tutorials)

wjwwood commented 8 years ago

+1, makes sense to me. I'll let the maintainers review, merge, and release though.

scpeters commented 8 years ago


scpeters commented 8 years ago

closed by 57d78c192e3a758467588a3e73c47b190d9e8f1d

scpeters commented 8 years ago

thanks for the contribution!