ros-simulation / gazebo_ros_demos

Example robots and code for interfacing Gazebo with ROS
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No publisher plugin available for RQT #9

Closed chrisspen closed 9 years ago

chrisspen commented 9 years ago

Under the "Use RQT To Send Commands" section of the tutorial it says:

Add the 'Publisher' plugin then choose the topic from the drop down box that commands any particular controller that you want to publish to.

but there are no drop down boxes. The only things rendered are the File, Plugins, Running, Perspectives and Help menus, none of which allow the user to add a "Publisher" plugin. In fact, most of these menus appear to do nothing at all. Ironically, selecting the help menu causes the program to crash.

I tested this on Indigo running on Ubuntu 14.04.

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

I've added the details

On the 'Plugins' menu of RQT add the 'Topics->Message Publisher' plugin then choose the topic from the drop down box that commands any particular controller that you want to publish to. For the RRBot, add the controller:

In this PR

chrisspen commented 9 years ago

In my install, the "Plugins" menu has only three options, "Container", "Robot Tools->Joint Trajectory Controller" and "Visualization->Plot". I see no "Topics" menu item.

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

You need to install more RQT plugins via debian, try apt-get install ros-indigo-rqt* or something like that. Did you install ROS desktop-full? Please document how you fixed this and consider adding it to the Gazebo documentation

chrisspen commented 9 years ago

Yeah, that seems like part of the problem. I'm using Gazebo 5, which prevents installation of ros-indigo-desktop-full, since it depends on ros-indigo-simulators which depends on Gazebo 2 which conflicts with Gazebo 5.

However, installing ros-indigo-rqt* did populate RQT with a lot more menu items, but there's still no "Plugins->Topics" item. Is there anything else I need? Do I need to be running roscore or some other process along with RQT?

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago
apt-get install ros-indigo-rqt-publisher

Please add this note to the Gazebo documentation, thanks!

chrisspen commented 9 years ago

Yes, I have ros-indigo-rqt-publisher installed but RQT still does not show the expected menu. Here's a screenshot

I'd be happy to update the docs once I get it working.

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

This is a problem with RQT, not gazebo_ros_demos. I'm afraid I do not know what is causing your issue