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Cannot remap topic name of the plugin #1266

Open chargerKong opened 3 years ago

chargerKong commented 3 years ago

I'm using the to publish the topic of laser scan. But it the topic name is strange


<plugin name="gazebo_ros_head_hokuyo_controlle" filename="" >
        <argument>--ros-args --remap out:=scan</argument>                                                                           

I want the topic name to be /scan, but what it shows out is

/gazebo_ros_head_hokuyo_controlle/out [sensor_msgs/msg/LaserScan]

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1.Here is my urdf file content

<gazebo reference="prefix_link">
    <sensor type="ray" name="head_hokuyo_sensor">

        <plugin name="gazebo_ros_head_hokuyo_controlle" filename="" >
                <argument>--ros-args --remap out:=scan</argument>                                                                           
  1. rebuild my package and run the launch file
  2. ros2 topic list -t it returns the name of the laser scan topic is

    Expected behavior

I want the name to be


Environment (please complete the following information):

AustinDeric commented 3 years ago


<plugin name="gazebo_ros_head_hokuyo_controlle" filename="" >

if confirmed working recommend closing issue. documentation could be improved with respect to URDF files.

chargerKong commented 3 years ago

@AustinDeric Thanks. It works! But I got the warning from gzserver that makes me uncomfortable

[gzserver-1] [WARN] [1619332042.212865893] [rcl]: Found remap rule '~/out:=/scan'. This syntax is deprecated. Use '--ros-args --remap ~/out:=/scan' instead.

The key problem is that the recommended syntax does not work :sweat_smile:

jnd4i-aj commented 1 month ago

I'm also trying the same but it's not showing the topic name even when I don't remap when I run the ros2 topic list -t

The output of ros2 topic list -t

/clicked_point [geometry_msgs/msg/PointStamped]
/clock [rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock]
/cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/msg/Twist]
/goal_pose [geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped]
/initialpose [geometry_msgs/msg/PoseWithCovarianceStamped]
/joint_states [sensor_msgs/msg/JointState]
/odom [nav_msgs/msg/Odometry]
/parameter_events [rcl_interfaces/msg/ParameterEvent]
/performance_metrics [gazebo_msgs/msg/PerformanceMetrics]
/robot_description [std_msgs/msg/String]
/rosout [rcl_interfaces/msg/Log]
/tf [tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage]
/tf_static [tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage]

And my plugin is

<gazebo reference="lidar_link">
        <sensor type="ray" name="lidar_sensor">
            <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
            <plugin name="gazebo_ros_rplidar" filename="">

What can be the issue? Thanks in advance:)