ros-simulation / gazebo_ros_pkgs

Wrappers, tools and additional API's for using ROS with Gazebo
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[ros2] gazebo_ros_path plugin paths are annoying #1500

Open DLu opened 11 months ago

DLu commented 11 months ago


In order to get meshes from URDF, the URDF package must export a very specific value.

    <gazebo_ros gazebo_model_path="${prefix}/.."/>

What the export does is specify a proper value of the GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH environment variable. If you say that your model path includes /home/user/models and you try to load an SDF (or other resource) with the syntax model://robot_name/file.ext, then it will enable you to load a file with the path /home/user/models/robot_name/file.ext. Logical so far...

The value of ${prefix} in your package.xml is the path to the ROS package's share folder. For instance, if you're compiling from source, that might be


So if you specify the mesh with the syntax package://package_name/meshes/file.ext it will presumably be installed at




However, if we say that the Gazebo model path is ${prefix} it will attempt to load package://package_name/meshes/file.ext as




Note that package_name appears in there THREE times as opposed to the usual two.

Hence, we need to set the Gazebo model path to ${prefix}/.. which is surprisingly valid syntax and results in file being loaded as


