ros-simulation / gazebo_ros_pkgs

Wrappers, tools and additional API's for using ROS with Gazebo
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[gazebo_plugins] libgazebo_ros_camera - some objects incorrectly occluded #417

Open xperroni opened 8 years ago

xperroni commented 8 years ago

Camera images published by libgazebo_ros_camera show certain objects incorrectly occluded by others, or even by the ground plane itself.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start gazebo_ros with the attached world file;
  2. Open RQT and connect the image viewer to the /camera/image_raw topic;
  3. On the Gazebo UI, check option View->Transparent;
  4. Check the RQT image viewer again.

See the attached ZIP archive for the world file and complementary files.


See attached images for actual results from both Gazebo and RQT.

I'm using Gazebo 7 with ROS Indigo on Kubuntu 14.04.1.

View of the scene from Gazebo:


Camera image preview as seen from inside Gazebo:


Camera image from RQT:


Camera image from RQT after the Transparent option is selected on Gazebo:


skohlbr commented 8 years ago

I believe the same issue is tracked on the Gazebo Bitbucket issue tracker here:

xperroni commented 8 years ago

Yes, it looks very much like my problem. Unfortunately it seems the only way to fix it is to recompile Gazebo with anti-aliasing disabled, though.

j-rivero commented 8 years ago

Let's keep track of the problem in the gazebo issue