ros-visualization / rqt_bag
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ros2: recording doesn't create metadata.yaml #127

Closed emersonknapp closed 2 months ago

emersonknapp commented 1 year ago

rqt_bag recordings leave the bag without metadata.yaml file, which makes it unusable by some tooling and requires a ros2 bag reindex

Andre-ex9 commented 1 year ago

I'm facing the same issue. Is this a bug or is it the way rqt_bag is intended to work ?

emersonknapp commented 1 year ago

This is a bug - I think that the recorder/writer isn't being deconstructed properly so it doesn't create the file.

Yadunund commented 1 year ago

Managed to save the metadata.yaml file when closing the plugin with this PR After closing rqt_bag, I was able to ros2 bag play BAG and echo the topics in another terminal.

The "Save bag" button is still disabled. Looking into that next.

Yadunund commented 1 year ago

Will keep this open until is merged

clalancette commented 2 months ago

We merged in #141 ages ago, so closing this out.