ros-visualization / rqt_robot_plugins

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rqt_rviz: Listening for Polygon causes segfault and crash #81

Closed alexbsher closed 8 years ago

alexbsher commented 9 years ago

Using rqt_gui with a number of plugins including rqt_rviz, trying to visualize a polygon in rqt_rviz causes the whole gui to crash. We're using Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04. The same topic is viewable in rviz alone, just not in rqt_rviz.

dirk-thomas commented 9 years ago

Can you please describe a specific use case in order to reproducible the issue.

alexbsher commented 9 years ago

We're using Polygons for our robot_footprint topic. When adding the view inside of rqt_rviz the gui crashes. Is there anything specific I can post? A sample message? The configuration of our rqt_gui?

dirk-thomas commented 9 years ago

Any kind of instructions to reproduce the problem without involving guessing would be very helpful.

E.g. a simple script publishing the specific message and instructions what you do to visualize them which leads to the crash.

alexbsher commented 9 years ago

Ok see if this works without getting into too much configuration:

1) roscore 2) rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui 3) Add an RViz plugin to the rqt_gui 4) Run:

rostopic pub -r 10 /test_poly geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped "header:
  seq: 0
    secs: 0
    nsecs: 0
  frame_id: '/map'
  - x: 0.0
    y: 0.0
    z: 0.0" 

5) Try to add a display for that /test_poly topic (either by topic or type)

Those steps cause the entire rqt_gui to crash with our setup.

dirk-thomas commented 9 years ago

I can reproduce the problem (which doesn't happen in standalone rviz). I assume this is a duplicate of ros-visualization/rqt#96.

You could try an older version of rqt as described in the referenced ticket to verify that it is the same problem.

alexbsher commented 9 years ago

Followed the steps in the other ticket, and this seems to be the same problem, except the only kind of topic that triggers the segfaults are messages of type geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped. Are there plans ot fix this in the supported versions of rqt_rviz?

dirk-thomas commented 9 years ago

As mentioned in the referenced ticket I don't think this is fixable in rqt itself. The rviz API does currently not provide a way to pass in an external spinner. I assume this requires modifications to rviz to be addressed (cc @wjwwood).

samuelba commented 9 years ago

the problem is solved with this pull request, however nobody wants to merge it, because there seem to be performance concerns.

ablasdel commented 9 years ago

It seems there are unaddressed concerns on PR are you looking into fixing those?

dirk-thomas commented 8 years ago

I will close this ticket as a duplicate of the reference rviz ticket.