ros-visualization / rviz

ROS 3D Robot Visualizer
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
815 stars 460 forks source link

Segfault on exit #630

Open dgossow opened 11 years ago

dgossow commented 11 years ago

Recently, RViz always segfaults when I close it.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
rviz::Property::rowNumberInParent (this=0x1d2d688) at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/properties/property.cpp:406
406   if( !parent->child_indexes_valid_ )
(gdb) bt
#0  rviz::Property::rowNumberInParent (this=0x1d2d688) at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/properties/property.cpp:406
#1  0x00007ffff7b12ff6 in rviz::PropertyTreeModel::indexOf (this=0x927fc0, property=0x1d2d688)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/properties/property_tree_model.cpp:291
#2  0x00007ffff7b1307c in rviz::PropertyTreeModel::parentIndex (this=0x927fc0, child=<optimized out>)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/properties/property_tree_model.cpp:117
#3  0x00007ffff7b130c3 in rviz::PropertyTreeModel::parent (this=0x927fc0, child_index=...) at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/properties/property_tree_model.cpp:103
#4  0x00007ffff2b345d3 in QAbstractItemModelPrivate::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex const&, int, int) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#5  0x00007ffff2b37d48 in QAbstractItemModel::beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex const&, int, int) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#6  0x00007ffff7b1320b in rviz::PropertyTreeModel::beginRemove (this=0x927fc0, parent_property=<optimized out>, row_within_parent=1, count=1)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/properties/property_tree_model.cpp:326
#7  0x00007ffff7b11799 in rviz::Property::takeChildAt (this=0x1f64380, index=1) at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/properties/property.cpp:330
#8  0x00007ffff7b0e172 in rviz::DisplayGroupVisibilityProperty::onDisplayRemoved (this=0x1f64380, display=0x1b4d170)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/properties/display_group_visibility_property.cpp:124
#9  0x00007ffff2b52281 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#10 0x00007ffff7b69cb2 in rviz::DisplayGroup::displayRemoved (this=<optimized out>, _t1=0x1b4d170) at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/build/rviz/src/rviz/moc_display_group.cxx:114
#11 0x00007ffff7abb83c in rviz::DisplayGroup::removeAllDisplays (this=0x9e0410) at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/display_group.cpp:163
#12 0x00007ffff7abbe3b in rviz::DisplayGroup::~DisplayGroup (this=0x9e0410, __in_chrg=<optimized out>) at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/display_group.cpp:50
#13 0x00007ffff7abbe99 in rviz::DisplayGroup::~DisplayGroup (this=0x9e0410, __in_chrg=<optimized out>) at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/display_group.cpp:51
#14 0x00007ffff7b12995 in rviz::PropertyTreeModel::~PropertyTreeModel (this=0x927fc0, __in_chrg=<optimized out>)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/properties/property_tree_model.cpp:51
#15 0x00007ffff7b12a09 in rviz::PropertyTreeModel::~PropertyTreeModel (this=0x927fc0, __in_chrg=<optimized out>)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/properties/property_tree_model.cpp:52
#16 0x00007ffff7b5c2ac in rviz::VisualizationManager::~VisualizationManager (this=0xa3a0d0, __in_chrg=<optimized out>)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/visualization_manager.cpp:201
#17 0x00007ffff7b5c479 in rviz::VisualizationManager::~VisualizationManager (this=0xa3a0d0, __in_chrg=<optimized out>)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/visualization_manager.cpp:215
#18 0x00007ffff7b55187 in rviz::VisualizationFrame::~VisualizationFrame (this=0x82e1d0, __in_chrg=<optimized out>)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/visualization_frame.cpp:152
#19 0x00007ffff7b55479 in rviz::VisualizationFrame::~VisualizationFrame (this=0x82e1d0, __in_chrg=<optimized out>)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/visualization_frame.cpp:160
#20 0x00007ffff7b5ec34 in rviz::VisualizerApp::~VisualizerApp (this=0x7fffffffe150, __in_chrg=<optimized out>)
    at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/visualizer_app.cpp:259
#21 0x0000000000400ad8 in main (argc=1, argv=<optimized out>) at /wg/stor5/dgossow/wsrviz/src/rviz/src/rviz/main.cpp:46
dgossow commented 11 years ago

Here's my config

  - Class: rviz/Displays
    Help Height: 108
    Name: Displays
    Property Tree Widget:
        - /Global Options1
        - /platformbot1/TF1/Frames1
        - /platformbot1/BaseCloud1/Auto Size1
        - /platformbot1/BaseCloud1/Autocompute Value Bounds1
        - /platformbot1/HeadCloud1/Auto Size1
        - /platformbot1/HeadCloud Downsampled1/Auto Size1
        - /platformbot1/HeadCloud Downsampled1/Occlusion Compensation1
        - /platformbot1/ceiling laser1
        - /Kinect Zoomlens1
        - /Kinect Zoomlens1/DepthCloud2
        - /Kinect Zoomlens1/DepthCloud2/Occlusion Compensation1
        - /Kinect Zoomlens1/DepthCloud2/Autocompute Value Bounds1
        - /Kinect Zoomlens1/DepthCloud2/Use rainbow1
        - /Kinect Zoomlens1/DepthCloud2/Autocompute Intensity Bounds1
        - /Kinect Zoomlens1/Axes1
      Splitter Ratio: 0.424184
    Tree Height: 827
  - Class: rviz/Selection
    Name: Selection
  - Class: rviz/Tool Properties
      - /2D Nav Goal1
      - /2D Pose Estimate1
    Name: Tool Properties
    Splitter Ratio: 0.588679
  - Class: rviz/Views
      - /Current View1
    Name: Views
    Splitter Ratio: 0.5
  - Class: rviz/Time
    Experimental: true
    Name: Time
    SyncMode: 0
    SyncSource: DepthCloud
Visualization Manager:
  Class: ""
    - Alpha: 0.5
      Cell Size: 1
      Class: rviz/Grid
      Color: 160; 160; 164
      Enabled: true
      Line Style:
        Line Width: 0.03
        Value: Lines
      Name: Grid
      Normal Cell Count: 0
        X: 0
        Y: 0
        Z: 0
      Plane: XY
      Plane Cell Count: 10
      Reference Frame: <Fixed Frame>
      Value: true
    - Class: rviz/Group
        - Alpha: 1
          Class: rviz/RobotModel
          Collision Enabled: false
          Enabled: true
          Name: RobotModel
          Robot Description: robot_description
          TF Prefix: ""
          Update Interval: 0
          Value: true
          Visual Enabled: true
        - Class: rviz/TF
          Enabled: true
          Frame Timeout: 15
            All Enabled: false
          Marker Scale: 1
          Name: TF
          Show Arrows: false
          Show Axes: true
          Show Names: true
          Update Interval: 0
          Value: true
        - Alpha: 1
          Auto Size:
            Auto Size Factor: 1
            Value: true
          Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
          Autocompute Value Bounds:
            Max Value: 4
            Min Value: 0
            Value: false
          Axis: Z
          Channel Name: intensity
          Class: rviz/DepthCloud
          Color: 0; 255; 0
          Color Image Topic: ""
          Color Transformer: AxisColor
          Color Transport Hint: raw
          Decay Time: 0
          Depth Map Topic: /base_camera/depth_registered/image
          Depth Map Transport Hint: compressedDepth
          Enabled: false
          Max Color: 255; 255; 255
          Max Intensity: 4096
          Min Color: 0; 0; 0
          Min Intensity: 0
          Name: BaseCloud
          Occlusion Compensation:
            Occlusion Time-Out: 30
            Value: false
          Position Transformer: XYZ
          Queue Size: 5
          Selectable: true
          Size (Pixels): 3
          Style: Flat Squares
          Topic Filter: true
          Use Fixed Frame: true
          Use rainbow: true
          Value: false
        - Alpha: 1
          Auto Size:
            Auto Size Factor: 3
            Value: true
          Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
          Autocompute Value Bounds:
            Max Value: 2.3
            Min Value: 0
            Value: false
          Axis: Z
          Channel Name: intensity
          Class: rviz/DepthCloud
          Color: 255; 0; 0
          Color Image Topic: ""
          Color Transformer: AxisColor
          Color Transport Hint: raw
          Decay Time: 0
          Depth Map Topic: /head_camera/depth_registered/image_raw
          Depth Map Transport Hint: compressedDepth
          Enabled: false
          Max Color: 255; 255; 255
          Max Intensity: 4096
          Min Color: 0; 0; 0
          Min Intensity: 0
          Name: HeadCloud
          Occlusion Compensation:
            Occlusion Time-Out: 30
            Value: false
          Position Transformer: XYZ
          Queue Size: 5
          Selectable: true
          Size (Pixels): 3
          Style: Flat Squares
          Topic Filter: true
          Use Fixed Frame: true
          Use rainbow: true
          Value: false
        - Alpha: 1
          Auto Size:
            Auto Size Factor: 1
            Value: true
          Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
          Autocompute Value Bounds:
            Max Value: 1.5
            Min Value: 0
            Value: false
          Axis: Z
          Channel Name: intensity
          Class: rviz/DepthCloud
          Color: 255; 255; 255
          Color Image Topic: ""
          Color Transformer: AxisColor
          Color Transport Hint: raw
          Decay Time: 0
          Depth Map Topic: /head_camera/depth_downsample/image_raw
          Depth Map Transport Hint: compressedDepth
          Enabled: false
          Max Color: 255; 255; 255
          Max Intensity: 4096
          Min Color: 0; 0; 0
          Min Intensity: 0
          Name: HeadCloud Downsampled
          Occlusion Compensation:
            Occlusion Time-Out: 30
            Value: false
          Position Transformer: XYZ
          Queue Size: 5
          Selectable: true
          Size (Pixels): 3
          Style: Flat Squares
          Topic Filter: true
          Use Fixed Frame: true
          Use rainbow: true
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Camera
          Enabled: false
          Image Rendering: background and overlay
          Image Topic: /head_camera/rgb/image_color
          Name: Head Camera
          Overlay Alpha: 0.5
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
            DepthCloud: true
            Grid: true
            Image: true
            Kinect Zoomlens:
              "": true
              Value: true
            Value: true
              Base Camera: true
              Base Depth: true
              Base Image: true
              BaseCloud: true
              BaseLaser: true
              Head Depth: true
              Head Image: true
              HeadCloud: true
              HeadCloud Downsampled: true
              Map: true
              Obstacles: true
              PoseArray: true
              RobotModel: true
              TF: true
              Value: true
              ceiling laser: true
              depth: true
              head_camera/depth_registered/points: true
              ir: true
              ir_small: true
          Zoom Factor: 1
        - Class: rviz/Camera
          Enabled: false
          Image Rendering: background and overlay
          Image Topic: /base_camera/rgb/image_color
          Name: Base Camera
          Overlay Alpha: 0.5
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: compressed
          Value: false
            DepthCloud: true
            Grid: true
            Image: true
            Kinect Zoomlens:
              "": true
              Value: true
            Value: true
              Base Depth: true
              Base Image: true
              BaseCloud: true
              BaseLaser: true
              Head Camera: true
              Head Depth: true
              Head Image: true
              HeadCloud: true
              HeadCloud Downsampled: true
              Map: true
              Obstacles: true
              PoseArray: true
              RobotModel: true
              TF: true
              Value: true
              ceiling laser: true
              depth: true
              head_camera/depth_registered/points: true
              ir: true
              ir_small: true
          Zoom Factor: 1
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /base_camera/rgb/image_rect
          Max Value: 1
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0
          Name: Base Image
          Normalize Range: true
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /base_camera/depth_registered/image
          Max Value: 3
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0
          Name: Base Depth
          Normalize Range: false
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /head_camera/rgb/image_rect
          Max Value: 1
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0
          Name: Head Image
          Normalize Range: true
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /base_camera/depth_registered/image
          Max Value: 3
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0
          Name: Head Depth
          Normalize Range: false
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: compressedDepth
          Value: false
        - Alpha: 1
          Autocompute Intensity Bounds: false
          Autocompute Value Bounds:
            Max Value: 10
            Min Value: -10
            Value: true
          Axis: Z
          Channel Name: x
          Class: rviz/PointCloud2
          Color: 255; 255; 255
          Color Transformer: RGB8
          Decay Time: 0
          Enabled: false
          Max Color: 255; 255; 255
          Max Intensity: 4096
          Min Color: 0; 0; 0
          Min Intensity: 0
          Name: head_camera/depth_registered/points
          Position Transformer: XYZ
          Queue Size: 10
          Selectable: true
          Size (Pixels): 3
          Size (m): 0.01
          Style: Points
          Topic: /head_camera/depth_registered/points
          Use Fixed Frame: true
          Use rainbow: false
          Value: false
        - Alpha: 1
          Class: rviz/GridCells
          Color: 25; 255; 0
          Enabled: false
          Name: Obstacles
          Topic: /move_base/local_costmap/obstacles
          Value: false
        - Alpha: 1
          Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
          Autocompute Value Bounds:
            Max Value: 10
            Min Value: -10
            Value: true
          Axis: Z
          Channel Name: intensity
          Class: rviz/LaserScan
          Color: 255; 0; 0
          Color Transformer: FlatColor
          Decay Time: 0
          Enabled: true
          Max Color: 255; 255; 255
          Max Intensity: 4096
          Min Color: 0; 0; 0
          Min Intensity: 0
          Name: BaseLaser
          Position Transformer: XYZ
          Queue Size: 10
          Selectable: true
          Size (Pixels): 3
          Size (m): 0.1
          Style: Spheres
          Topic: /base_laser/scan
          Use Fixed Frame: true
          Use rainbow: true
          Value: true
        - Alpha: 1
          Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
          Autocompute Value Bounds:
            Max Value: 10
            Min Value: -10
            Value: true
          Axis: Z
          Channel Name: intensity
          Class: rviz/LaserScan
          Color: 85; 255; 0
          Color Transformer: FlatColor
          Decay Time: 0
          Enabled: true
          Max Color: 255; 255; 255
          Max Intensity: 4096
          Min Color: 0; 0; 0
          Min Intensity: 0
          Name: ceiling laser
          Position Transformer: XYZ
          Queue Size: 10
          Selectable: true
          Size (Pixels): 10
          Size (m): 0.1
          Style: Points
          Topic: /fake_laser/scan
          Use Fixed Frame: true
          Use rainbow: false
          Value: true
        - Alpha: 0.5
          Class: rviz/Map
          Draw Behind: false
          Enabled: false
          Name: Map
          Topic: /map
          Value: false
        - Arrow Length: 0.3
          Class: rviz/PoseArray
          Color: 255; 25; 0
          Enabled: true
          Name: PoseArray
          Topic: /particlecloud
          Value: true
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /camera/ir/image_raw
          Max Value: 1024
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0
          Name: ir
          Normalize Range: false
          Queue Size: 1
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /camera/depth_registered/image
          Max Value: 2
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0
          Name: depth
          Normalize Range: false
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /camera_out/image_raw
          Max Value: 1
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0
          Name: ir_small
          Normalize Range: true
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
      Enabled: false
      Name: platformbot
    - Class: rviz/Group
        - Alpha: 1
          Auto Size:
            Auto Size Factor: 1
            Value: true
          Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
          Autocompute Value Bounds:
            Max Value: 10
            Min Value: -10
            Value: true
          Axis: Z
          Channel Name: intensity
          Class: rviz/DepthCloud
          Color: 85; 255; 0
          Color Image Topic: ""
          Color Transformer: Intensity
          Color Transport Hint: raw
          Decay Time: 0
          Depth Map Topic: /camera/depth/image
          Depth Map Transport Hint: raw
          Enabled: false
          Max Color: 255; 255; 255
          Max Intensity: 4096
          Min Color: 0; 0; 0
          Min Intensity: 0
          Name: DepthCloud
          Occlusion Compensation:
            Occlusion Time-Out: 30
            Value: false
          Position Transformer: XYZ
          Queue Size: 5
          Selectable: true
          Size (Pixels): 3
          Style: Boxes
          Topic Filter: true
          Use Fixed Frame: true
          Use rainbow: true
          Value: false
        - Alpha: 1
          Auto Size:
            Auto Size Factor: 3
            Value: false
          Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
          Autocompute Value Bounds:
            Max Value: 1.16585
            Min Value: -1.49226
            Value: true
          Axis: Y
          Channel Name: z
          Class: rviz/DepthCloud
          Color: 255; 255; 255
          Color Image Topic: /camera/rgb/image_mono
          Color Transformer: RGB8
          Color Transport Hint: raw
          Decay Time: 0
          Depth Map Topic: /camera/depth/image
          Depth Map Transport Hint: raw
          Enabled: true
          Max Color: 255; 255; 255
          Max Intensity: 4.983
          Min Color: 0; 0; 0
          Min Intensity: 0.959
          Name: DepthCloud
          Occlusion Compensation:
            Occlusion Time-Out: 30
            Value: false
          Position Transformer: XYZ
          Queue Size: 1
          Selectable: true
          Size (Pixels): 3
          Size (m): 0.00523887
          Style: Points
          Topic Filter: true
          Use Fixed Frame: false
          Use rainbow: false
          Value: true
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /camera/depth/image
          Max Value: 1.4
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 1
          Name: depth/image
          Normalize Range: true
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /camera/rgb/image_mono
          Max Value: 1
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0
          Name: rgb/image
          Normalize Range: true
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /camera/depth/image_rect
          Max Value: 1
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0.7
          Name: depth/image_rect
          Normalize Range: false
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /camera/rgb/image_rect
          Max Value: 1
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0
          Name: rgb/image_rect
          Normalize Range: true
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Image
          Enabled: false
          Image Topic: /camera/ir/image_raw
          Max Value: 1
          Median window: 5
          Min Value: 0
          Name: ir/image
          Normalize Range: true
          Queue Size: 2
          Transport Hint: raw
          Value: false
        - Class: rviz/Axes
          Enabled: true
          Length: 10
          Name: Axes
          Radius: 0.01
          Reference Frame: <Fixed Frame>
          Value: true
      Enabled: true
      Name: Kinect Zoomlens
    - Class: rviz/Image
      Enabled: false
      Image Topic: /head_camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw
      Max Value: 1
      Median window: 5
      Min Value: 0
      Name: Image
      Normalize Range: true
      Queue Size: 2
      Transport Hint: compressed
      Value: false
    - Alpha: 0.5
      Cell Size: 0.1
      Class: rviz/Grid
      Color: 160; 160; 164
      Enabled: false
      Line Style:
        Line Width: 0.03
        Value: Lines
      Name: Grid
      Normal Cell Count: 0
        X: 0
        Y: 0
        Z: 2
      Plane: XY
      Plane Cell Count: 10
      Reference Frame: <Fixed Frame>
      Value: false
    - Alpha: 1
      Auto Size:
        Auto Size Factor: 1
        Value: true
      Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
      Autocompute Value Bounds:
        Max Value: 10
        Min Value: -10
        Value: true
      Axis: Z
      Channel Name: intensity
      Class: rviz/DepthCloud
      Color: 255; 255; 255
      Color Image Topic: ""
      Color Transformer: RGB8
      Color Transport Hint: raw
      Decay Time: 0
      Depth Map Topic: /camera/depth/image
      Depth Map Transport Hint: raw
      Enabled: false
      Max Color: 255; 255; 255
      Max Intensity: 4096
      Min Color: 0; 0; 0
      Min Intensity: 0
      Name: DepthCloud
      Occlusion Compensation:
        Occlusion Time-Out: 30
        Value: false
      Position Transformer: XYZ
      Queue Size: 5
      Selectable: true
      Size (Pixels): 3
      Style: Flat Squares
      Topic Filter: true
      Use Fixed Frame: true
      Use rainbow: true
      Value: false
    - Alpha: 1
      Auto Size:
        Auto Size Factor: 1
        Value: true
      Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
      Autocompute Value Bounds:
        Max Value: 10
        Min Value: -10
        Value: true
      Axis: Z
      Channel Name: intensity
      Class: rviz/DepthCloud
      Color: 255; 255; 255
      Color Image Topic: ""
      Color Transformer: ""
      Color Transport Hint: raw
      Decay Time: 0
      Depth Map Topic: ""
      Depth Map Transport Hint: raw
      Enabled: false
      Max Color: 255; 255; 255
      Max Intensity: 4096
      Min Color: 0; 0; 0
      Min Intensity: 0
      Name: DepthCloud
      Occlusion Compensation:
        Occlusion Time-Out: 30
        Value: false
      Position Transformer: ""
      Queue Size: 5
      Selectable: true
      Size (Pixels): 3
      Style: Flat Squares
      Topic Filter: true
      Use Fixed Frame: true
      Use rainbow: true
      Value: false
  Enabled: true
  Global Options:
    Background Color: 48; 48; 48
    Fixed Frame: /camera_rgb_optical_frame
  Name: root
    - Class: rviz/Interact
      Hide Inactive Objects: true
    - Class: rviz/MoveCamera
    - Class: rviz/FocusCamera
    - Class: rviz/Select
    - Class: rviz/SetGoal
      Topic: /move_base_simple/goal
    - Class: rviz/Measure
    - Class: rviz/SetInitialPose
      Topic: initialpose
  Value: true
      Class: rviz/Orbit
      Distance: 6.70384
      Focal Point:
        X: -0.116645
        Y: -0.307148
        Z: 1.94112
      Name: Current View
      Near Clip Distance: 0.01
      Pitch: -1.3252
      Target Frame: /base_link
      Value: Orbit (rviz)
      Yaw: 4.85212
      - Angle: -1.56499
        Class: rviz/TopDownOrtho
        Name: TopDownOrtho
        Near Clip Distance: 0.01
        Scale: 185.355
        Target Frame: /base_link
        Value: TopDownOrtho (rviz)
        X: -1.17971
        Y: -3.11706
      - Class: rviz/Orbit
        Distance: 10
        Focal Point:
          X: 0
          Y: 0
          Z: 0
        Name: Orbit
        Near Clip Distance: 0.01
        Pitch: 0.785398
        Target Frame: /base_link
        Value: Orbit (rviz)
        Yaw: 0.785398
Window Geometry:
  Base Camera:
    collapsed: false
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dgossow commented 11 years ago

@hershwg Didn't you fix something like that earlier?

hershwg commented 11 years ago

Oh I've fixed segfault-on-exit many times.