ros-visualization / rviz

ROS 3D Robot Visualizer
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
826 stars 463 forks source link

RVIZ Fails to Load Plugins #924

Closed rhololkeolke closed 8 years ago

rhololkeolke commented 8 years ago

I have just gone through a source installation using homebrew on Max OS X 10.10.5. Everything builds properly, however, when I start RVIZ it fails to find any plugins. I get the following error messages when starting:

[ERROR] [1443822410.597903000]: The XML document "/Users/rhol/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/rviz_plugin_tutorials/plugin_description.xml" given to add must have either "library" or           "class_libraries" as the root tag
[ERROR] [1443822410.598457000]: The XML document "/Users/rhol/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/rviz/plugin_description.xml" given to add must have either "library" or           "class_libraries" as the root tag
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[ERROR] [1443822412.203886000]: The XML document "/Users/rhol/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/rviz_plugin_tutorials/plugin_description.xml" given to add must have either "library" or           "class_libraries" as the root tag
[ERROR] [1443822412.204393000]: The XML document "/Users/rhol/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/rviz/plugin_description.xml" given to add must have either "library" or           "class_libraries" as the root tag
[ERROR] [1443822412.218883000]: The XML document "/Users/rhol/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/rviz_plugin_tutorials/plugin_description.xml" given to add must have either "library" or           "class_libraries" as the root tag
[ERROR] [1443822412.219405000]: The XML document "/Users/rhol/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/rviz/plugin_description.xml" given to add must have either "library" or           "class_libraries" as the root tag
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[ERROR] [1443822412.292074000]: The XML document "/Users/rhol/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/rviz_plugin_tutorials/plugin_description.xml" given to add must have either "library" or           "class_libraries" as the root tag
[ERROR] [1443822412.292619000]: The XML document "/Users/rhol/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/rviz/plugin_description.xml" given to add must have either "library" or           "class_libraries" as the root tag
[ERROR] [1443822412.292925000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/Orbit' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/Orbit with base class type rviz::ViewController does not exist. Declared types are 
2015-10-02 17:50:10.669 rviz[89513:2608173] modalSession has been exited prematurely - check for a reentrant call to endModalSession:
[ERROR] [1443822610.675354000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/MoveCamera' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/MoveCamera with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[ERROR] [1443822610.742142000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/Interact' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/Interact with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[ERROR] [1443822610.769387000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/Select' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/Select with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[ERROR] [1443822610.795808000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/SetInitialPose' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/SetInitialPose with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[ERROR] [1443822610.823075000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/SetGoal' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/SetGoal with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[ERROR] [1443822610.852078000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/Grid' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/Grid with base class type rviz::Display does not exist. Declared types are 
[ERROR] [1443822610.866407000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/Interact' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/Interact with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[ERROR] [1443822610.866600000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/MoveCamera' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/MoveCamera with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[ERROR] [1443822610.866749000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/Select' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/Select with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[ERROR] [1443822610.866882000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/FocusCamera' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/FocusCamera with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[ERROR] [1443822610.893527000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/Measure' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/Measure with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[ERROR] [1443822610.920758000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/SetInitialPose' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/SetInitialPose with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[ERROR] [1443822610.920917000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/SetGoal' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/SetGoal with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[ERROR] [1443822610.921054000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/PublishPoint' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/PublishPoint with base class type rviz::Tool does not exist. Declared types are 
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[rospack] Error: no package given
[librospack]: error while executing command
[ERROR] [1443822610.948407000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz/Orbit' failed to load.  Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/Orbit with base class type rviz::ViewController does not exist. Declared types are 
2015-10-02 17:50:11.519 rviz[89513:2608173] modalSession has been exited prematurely - check for a reentrant call to endModalSession:
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[ INFO] [1443822410.574607000]: rviz version 1.11.9
[ INFO] [1443822410.574650000]: compiled against OGRE version 1.7.4 (Cthugha)
[ INFO] [1443822412.043594000]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[ INFO] [1443822412.043681000]: OpenGl version: 2.1 (GLSL 1.2).

In addition to the attached terminal output a number of messages boxes appear. As an example here is what one of the message boxes says:

The class required for this view controller, 'rviz/Orbit', could not be loaded.
According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz/Orbit with base class type rviz::ViewController does not exist. Declared types are 

Looking at the log it appears as if pluginlib might be having trouble parsing the log file. Here is the relevant error I'm referring to:

[ERROR] [1443822410.598457000]: The XML document "/Users/rhol/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/rviz/plugin_description.xml" given to add must have either "library" or           "class_libraries" as the root tag

I've double checked and the path given in the log and it matches the path of the plugin_description.xml file. I've also double checked the XML and the root tag is indeed a library tag. I've run the plugin_description.xml file through an XML verifier to make sure the XML isn't malformed. The verifier finds nothing wrong with the XML.

I've also double checked the install_isolated/lib folder and libdefault_plugin.dylib is indeed there.

If you believe that this is an error with pluginlib let me know and I'll open an issue on that project.

wjwwood commented 8 years ago

Yeah, not sure about that. Can you post the plugin_description.xml from rviz and the rviz_plugin_tutorials packages?

Also try the obvious things, like delete the build, devel and install folders and build against from scratch, and in a clean terminal.

rhololkeolke commented 8 years ago

I've tried a clean build, but it still doens't work. I've attached the two plugin_description.xml files. I've checked the library paths and nothing seems out of the ordinary. The libs appear to be in the correct location.

Here is the rviz plugin_description.xml. I got this from the install_isolated/share/rviz folder.

<library path="libdefault_plugin">
  <class name="rviz/Axes" type="rviz::AxesDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays an axis at the Target Frame's origin.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/DepthCloud" type="rviz::DepthCloudDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays point clouds based on depth maps.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/Effort" type="rviz::EffortDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays from sensor_msgs/JointState/effort messages.
  <class name="rviz/FluidPressure" type="rviz::FluidPressureDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays from sensor_msgs/FluidPressure messages.
  <class name="rviz/Grid" type="rviz::GridDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays a grid along the ground plane, centered at the origin of the target frame of reference.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/GridCells" type="rviz::GridCellsDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays data from a nav_msgs::GridCells message as billboards.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/Illuminance" type="rviz::IlluminanceDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays illuminance values from a sensor_msgs/Illuminance topic.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/Image" type="rviz::ImageDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays an image from a sensor_msgs/Image topic, similar to image_view.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/InteractiveMarkers" type="rviz::InteractiveMarkerDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Connects to one or more Interactive Marker servers, allowing you to interact with the provided 3D objects. &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/LaserScan" type="rviz::LaserScanDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays the data from a sensor_msgs::LaserScan message as points in the world, drawn as points, billboards, or cubes.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/Map" type="rviz::MapDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays an occupancy grid on the ground plane from a nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/Marker" type="rviz::MarkerDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays visualization_msgs::Marker messages.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/MarkerArray" type="rviz::MarkerArrayDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays visualization_msgs::MarkerArray messages without presuming the topic name ends in "_array".  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/Odometry" type="rviz::OdometryDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Accumulates and displays poses from a nav_msgs::Odometry message.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;
  <class name="rviz/Path" type="rviz::PathDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays data from a nav_msgs::Path message as lines.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/PointStamped" type="rviz::PointStampedDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays from geometry_msgs/PointStamped message
  <class name="rviz/PointCloud" type="rviz::PointCloudDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays a point cloud from a sensor_msgs::PointCloud message as points in the world, drawn as points, billboards, or cubes.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/PointCloud2" type="rviz::PointCloud2Display" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays a point cloud from a sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 message as points in the world, drawn as points, billboards, or cubes.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/Polygon" type="rviz::PolygonDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays data from a geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped message as lines.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/Pose" type="rviz::PoseDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays a geometry_msgs::PoseStamped message.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/PoseArray" type="rviz::PoseArrayDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays the poses from a geometry_msgs::PoseArray message as a cloud of arrows on the ground plane.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;
  <class name="rviz/Range" type="rviz::RangeDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays the data from sensor_msgs::Range messages as cones. &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;
  <class name="rviz/RelativeHumidity" type="rviz::RelativeHumidityDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays the data from sensor_msgs::RelativeHumidity.
  <class name="rviz/RobotModel" type="rviz::RobotModelDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays a visual representation of a robot in the correct pose (as defined by the current TF transforms).  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/Camera" type="rviz::CameraDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays an image from a camera, with the visualized world rendered behind it.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/XYZ" type="rviz::XYZPCTransformer" base_class_type="rviz::PointCloudTransformer">
      Transforms the point cloud data into XYZ coordinates to position each point.
  <class name="rviz/Intensity" type="rviz::IntensityPCTransformer" base_class_type="rviz::PointCloudTransformer">
      Transforms the color of each point based on its "intensity" value.
  <class name="rviz/RGB8" type="rviz::RGB8PCTransformer" base_class_type="rviz::PointCloudTransformer">
      Sets the color of each point based on RGB8 data.
  <class name="rviz/RGBF32" type="rviz::RGBF32PCTransformer" base_class_type="rviz::PointCloudTransformer">
      Sets the color of each point based on RGBF32 data.
  <class name="rviz/FlatColor" type="rviz::FlatColorPCTransformer" base_class_type="rviz::PointCloudTransformer">
      Sets the color of each point to be a single flat color.
  <class name="rviz/AxisColor" type="rviz::AxisColorPCTransformer" base_class_type="rviz::PointCloudTransformer">
      Sets the color of each point based on its position along one of the X, Y, or Z axes.
  <class name="rviz/Temperature" type="rviz::TemperatureDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays from sensor_msgs/Temperature message
  <class name="rviz/TF" type="rviz::TFDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays the TF transform hierarchy.  &lt;a href=""&gt;More Information&lt;/a&gt;.
  <class name="rviz/WrenchStamped" type="rviz::WrenchStampedDisplay" base_class_type="rviz::Display">
      Displays from geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped message

  <class name="rviz/PublishPoint" type="rviz::PointTool" base_class_type="rviz::Tool">
      Allows you to click on a point and publish it as a PointStamped message.
  <class name="rviz/FocusCamera" type="rviz::FocusTool" base_class_type="rviz::Tool">
      Click onto any object to focus the camera there.
  <class name="rviz/Measure" type="rviz::MeasureTool" base_class_type="rviz::Tool">
      Click onto two locations to measure their distance.
  <class name="rviz/MoveCamera" type="rviz::MoveTool" base_class_type="rviz::Tool">
      Drag the mouse with left, middle, or right buttons to change your viewpoint.
  <class name="rviz/Select" type="rviz::SelectionTool" base_class_type="rviz::Tool">
      Drag with the left button to select objects in the 3D scene.
      Hold the Alt key to change viewpoint as in the Move tool.
  <class name="rviz/SetGoal" type="rviz::GoalTool" base_class_type="rviz::Tool">
      Publish a goal pose for the robot.  After one use, reverts to default tool.
  <class name="rviz/SetInitialPose" type="rviz::InitialPoseTool" base_class_type="rviz::Tool">
      Publish an initial pose for the robot.  After one use, reverts to default tool.
  <class name="rviz/Interact" type="rviz::InteractionTool" base_class_type="rviz::Tool">
      Interact with interactive markers.  Mouse actions not on
      interactive markers fall back to moving the camera.

  <class name="rviz/Orbit" type="rviz::OrbitViewController" base_class_type="rviz::ViewController">
      Makes it easy to move around a given point in space, looking at it from any angle.
  <class name="rviz/XYOrbit" type="rviz::XYOrbitViewController" base_class_type="rviz::ViewController">
      Makes it easy to move around a given point on the XY plane, looking at it from any angle.
  <class name="rviz/ThirdPersonFollower" type="rviz::ThirdPersonFollowerViewController" base_class_type="rviz::ViewController">
      Follow a target frame and turn the viewing direction with the yaw of the target frame.
  <class name="rviz/FPS" type="rviz::FPSViewController" base_class_type="rviz::ViewController">
      Control the camera like in a First Person Shooter game: drag left to look left, etc.
  <class name="rviz/TopDownOrtho" type="rviz::FixedOrientationOrthoViewController" base_class_type="rviz::ViewController">
      Orthographic projection, seen from the top.


Here is the rviz_plugin_tutorials plugin_description.xml file. I got this from the install_isolated/share/rviz_plugin_tutorials folder

<library path="lib/librviz_plugin_tutorials">
  <class name="rviz_plugin_tutorials/Teleop"
      A panel widget allowing simple diff-drive style robot base control.
  <class name="rviz_plugin_tutorials/Imu"
      Displays direction and scale of accelerations from sensor_msgs/Imu messages.
  <class name="rviz_plugin_tutorials/PlantFlag"
      Tool for planting flags on the ground plane in rviz.
wjwwood commented 8 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce this with my Mac book. There's nothing that would indicate to me what the issue might be. I'd suggest making sure you have the latest versions of the releases. Without being able to reproduce it or more information (I'm not sure what that information would be) then I probably cannot help further.

rhololkeolke commented 8 years ago

I changed the logging level to Debug and added some extra debug statements. It appears as if there is something wrong with my TinyXML version. I'm not entirely sure what could be causing the issue as I installed TinyXML with homebrew and it says that everything is the latest version. I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling with homebrew and it doesn't seem to be working.

The error happens in the

template <class T> void ClassLoader<T>::processSingleXMLPluginFile(const std::string& xml_file, std::map<std::string, ClassDesc>& classes_available)

method inside the pluginlib/include/pluginlib/class_loader_imp.h file. I added some code to print the contents of the file specified in xml_file. It prints out the full XML file with no problems. So I know the correct paths are being provided and the file is readable as ASCII. However, I cannot get any valid data out of the TiXmlDocument class. I tried using the TiXmlPrinter class, but that gives a segfault. Printing things like the config->ValueStr() manually gives me gibberish.

Just to make sure that this was not an RVIZ specific problem I created a test package that just loads the same XML file and and attempts to parse and print the output with TinyXML. Same results. I double checked the paths being found by the CMake Module and everything looks correct. At this point I'm just assuming there is some weird bug with TinyXML for my particular system. I no longer think this is an RVIZ problem.

Thanks for the help.

wjwwood commented 8 years ago

@rhololkeolke Ok, well that is strange. Please post a comment here if you find the solution. Even though it is not an rviz issue, other rviz users might run into it.

bergercookie commented 4 years ago

FWIW, I stumbled upon the same issue.

I solved it by manually removing the $HOME/.rviz directory

kashifzr commented 5 months ago

ERROR] [1712150616.305336725, 258.810000000]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'rviz_plugins/AerialMapDisplay' failed to load. Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rviz_plugins/AerialMapDisplay with base class type rviz::Display does not exist. Declared types are rviz/AccelStamped rviz/Axes rviz/Camera rviz/DepthCloud rviz/Effort rviz/FluidPressure rviz/Grid rviz/GridCells rviz/Illuminance rviz/Image rviz/InteractiveMarkers rviz/LaserScan rviz/Map rviz/Marker rviz/MarkerArray rviz/Odometry rviz/Path rviz/PointCloud rviz/PointCloud2 rviz/PointStamped rviz/Polygon rviz/Pose rviz/PoseArray rviz/PoseWithCovariance rviz/Range rviz/RelativeHumidity rviz/RobotModel rviz/TF rviz/Temperature rviz/TwistStamped rviz/WrenchStamped rviz_plugin_tutorials/Imu

@bergercookie How can be remove this error, I know you did remove ./rviz directory manually from $HOME

rhaschke commented 5 months ago

@kashifzr: you are missing a single plugin, while this issue is about missing all plugins. In your case, you probably simply missed installing the corresponding plugin package.

kashifzr commented 5 months ago

@rhaschke thanks for help. Sure i will try to resolve this by installing the corresponding plugin package