ros-visualization / visualization_tutorials

Tutorials related to using and extending RViz and interactive_markers.
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Fix Python InteractiveMarkers tutorials #26

Closed jvgomez closed 9 years ago

jvgomez commented 9 years ago

Without these changes, it was impossible to make it work for me. I was getting the error NameError: name 'Marker' is not defined when running the scripts. Furthermore, once this was solved it was impossible to properly set the frame in RViz.

jvgomez commented 9 years ago

In fact, the line import roslib; roslib.load_manifest("interactive_markers") could be removed as well, right?

wjwwood commented 9 years ago

Thanks for updating the code.

Yes, the roslib line is only needed for when you're using rosbuild. Since this tutorial has been updated to use catkin it can be removed.