ros / common_tutorials

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Mismatch between actionlib_tutorials wiki and this repository #13

Closed scpeters closed 7 years ago

scpeters commented 9 years ago

I just noticed there's some mismatch between the wiki and this repository. I'm willing to help clean it up if I get some feedback on how it should be fixed.

Should the tutorial recommend to the user how to recreate the contents of the actionlib_tutorials package in this repository?

scpeters commented 9 years ago

forgot some tutorial links:

wjwwood commented 9 years ago

My guess is that someone changed the name of the package that the user creates so that it doesn't interfere with this package which can be installed from apt-get and the Python tutorial never got updated. The Python tutorial is also out of date because it still has the import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('actionlib_tutorials') line at the top of the Python script, which is only needed for rosbuild and not for catkin. I'd suggest updating the Python tutorial to be in line with the introduction tutorial and the C++ parts of the tutorial.

scpeters commented 9 years ago

Do you suggest that we keep different package names between the wiki and this repository? I was hoping to delete one copy of the code from the wiki and include it from here instead, but that isn't possible if they are using different package names.

We can also keep it as is (with two copies of the code) if that's preferred.

wjwwood commented 9 years ago

No, the idea is that the package the user creates is not hosted anywhere and that it is identical, except in name, to the one here on github. The one here on github is the "answer". But I think that we could go back to using just the actionlib_tutorials name and drop the learning_actionlib stuff. I'm not sure who added that in the first place, and I'm only guessing at their motives for doing so.

130s commented 7 years ago

I just stumbled upon this ticket where I think I'm partly responsible for the issue discussed. I tracked back the history and figured out:

the idea is that the package the user creates is not hosted anywhere and that it is identical, except in name, to the one here on github. The one here on github is the "answer". But I think that we could go back to using just the actionlib_tutorials name and drop the learning_actionlib stuff.

+1, and I've just added all the necessary changes on the tutorials. Now hopefully there's no learning_actionlib stuff on the tutorials.

the Python tutorial never got updated. The Python tutorial is also out of date because it still has the import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('actionlib_tutorials') line at the top of the Python script, which is only needed for rosbuild and not for catkin.

This should also be fixed now.

scpeters commented 7 years ago

I still see a few instances of learning_actionlib in the following wiki pages:

130s commented 7 years ago

@scpeters Thanks for the check, I'm working on it now.

130s commented 7 years ago

Hopefully done.

scpeters commented 7 years ago
