ros / genmsg

Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages
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What is the version release policy in the community? #101

Closed ysl-design closed 2 years ago

ysl-design commented 2 years ago

genmsg(0.5.16), gencpp(0.6.5), the most recent version of these code generation tools was two years ago. I would like to ask what the update strategy of the community is, whether the new version will not be released in the future.

tfoote commented 2 years ago

The code is generally quite stable but is heavily used. These packages are in maintenance for the duration of the ROS Noetic Release. If there are important bug fixes a release will be made. However, there is not expected to be any feature development.

Releases are made when the maintainer has enough of a value to make a release. If there's a bug fix needed for your use case a release can be requested to increase the priority with the maintainer.

ysl-design commented 2 years ago

I got it. Thank you for your prompt response.