ros / geometry

Packages for common geometric calculations including the ROS transform library, "tf". Also includes ROS bindings for "bullet" physics engine and "kdl" kinematics/dynamics package.
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The tf python api is not compatible with tf2's /tf_static #117

Closed sloretz closed 7 years ago

sloretz commented 8 years ago

The python tf api on Jade cannot lookup transforms published on /tf_static. Section 1.8 on the tf2 migration page says

the tf implementation has been removed and replaced with calls to tf2 under the hood. This will mean that all users will be compatible with tf2

I would expect that to mean the tf api would be aware of /tf_static transforms.

How to reproduce:

  1. Start roscore and publish a static transform

    rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 parent_frame child_frame

  2. Start python and run the following code using the tf api

    import tf
    import rospy
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    listener.lookupTransform("parent_frame", "child_frame", rospy.Time())
    # Traceback (most recent call last):
    #  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    # tf.LookupException: "parent_frame" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist. 
  3. Start another instance of python and run the equivalent code on the tf2 api

    import tf2_ros
    import rospy
    tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
    listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tfBuffer)
    tfBuffer.lookup_transform("parent_frame", "child_frame", rospy.Time())
    # header: 
    #   seq: 0
    #   stamp: 
    #     secs: 0
    #     nsecs: 0
    #   frame_id: parent_frame
    # child_frame_id: child_frame
    # transform: 
    #   translation: 
    #     x: 0.0
    #     y: 0.0
    #     z: 0.0
    #   rotation: 
    #     x: 0.0
    #     y: 0.0
    #     z: 0.0
    #     w: 1.0
lucasw commented 8 years ago

This also manifests as a tf.ConnectivityException: Could not find a connection between 'link1' and 'link2' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees. exception for tf trees dynamic links trees on either side of a static.

sloretz commented 8 years ago

I tested it again today. It's still an issue on Kinetic

$ apt show ros-kinetic-tf
Package: ros-kinetic-tf 
Version: 1.11.8-0xenial-20160721-134129-0700  
jonbinney commented 7 years ago

Just ran into this - @tfoote should static frames work in python?

tfoote commented 7 years ago

Looking at this I think that the tf python bindings have not been extended to subscribe to the static transform topics. I'd suggest using tf2_ros' python bindings instead:

jonbinney commented 7 years ago

Can the python library for tf be officially deprecated then? I think a lot of people still use it, and won't realize that it doesn't work with static transforms anymore (specifically since

sloretz commented 7 years ago

@tfoote What do you think about replacing the python tf implementation with calls to tf2_ros?

tfoote commented 7 years ago

That would be the optimal solution then they would stay in sync.

roehling commented 7 years ago

Since we have been battling with the same problem for quite some time, I'd be willing to provide a pull request for that, unless someone else is working on it already.

rconnorlawson commented 7 years ago

I just found this bug under ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. Looks like merge #134 has had the solution ready since early March. Can this be merged and closed?

tfoote commented 7 years ago

Resolved with #134 being merged