ros / geometry2

A set of ROS packages for keeping track of coordinate transforms.
189 stars 275 forks source link

geometry2/tf2_ros/include/tf2_ros/static_transform_broadcaster.h error and geometry2/tf2_ros/src/static_transform_broadcaster.cpp #495

Closed bhushaaan closed 3 years ago

bhushaaan commented 3 years ago

Cloned this git repo: and while catkin_make got this error, not sure how to solve this as this shows missing files/ improper header files. Please tell me a solution so that i can move ahead with my project with drones and ros kinetic for Ubuntu 16.04 version

Screenshot from 2021-02-03 17-53-59 Screenshot from 2021-02-03 17-54-03

tfoote commented 3 years ago

As I commented here: please ask your own question on make sure to provide enough information to

It's consider poor form to ask multiple times. Also please don't use screenshots but copy and paste the actual text so we can search and copy and replace. Make sure to include enough information to fully reproduce your environment.

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