ros / geometry2

A set of ROS packages for keeping track of coordinate transforms.
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throttle TF_REPEATED_DATA to 10 seconds #516

Open c-andy-martin opened 2 years ago

c-andy-martin commented 2 years ago

The TF_REPEATED_DATA error, while important, can be overly verbose, sometimes flooding the terminal scrollback buffer such that no other output can be found. Throttle the error to 10 seconds. Implement the throttling directly since console bridge does not implement throttling. Because ros::Time may not yet be initialized when calling insertData, use the stamp from the message as "now".

For more information including the justification for the warning and the justification for a 10 second throttle, read the discussion on issue #467:

icefoxen commented 2 years ago

Please Eris yes. It would be nice to be able to upgrade a system from Melodic to Noetic and see the actual error messages, instead of literally spamming the logfiles into lagging out because someone decided that "works mostly correctly" is equivalent to "fatal error" except without the politeness of actually stopping the erroneous process.

klaxalk commented 11 months ago

Yes, please, I totally second this. The warning is overly verbose, especially, when simulating.

peci1 commented 9 months ago

Alternatively, this problem could be overcome by adding dependency on rosconsole_bridge and putting REGISTER_ROSCONSOLE_BRIDGE in some .cpp file that's always loaded. This would redirect all buffer messages to standard rosconsole, where the users could deal with the messages as they like.

However, I don't like this alternative too much - it would change the logging behavior someone might be relying on. Also, it would not allow to selectively discard only the TF_REPEATED_DATA messages.