ros / joint_state_publisher
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ros2-devel Parameter not declared exception #20

Closed Jconn closed 4 years ago

Jconn commented 5 years ago

when I run this on dashing, passing my urdf file to the node, I get an exception:

rclpy.exceptions.ParameterNotDeclaredException: ('Invalid access to undeclared parameter(s)', 'dependent_joints')

I modified JointStatePublisher:get_param to catch that exception and return None, and the node works now.

clalancette commented 5 years ago

Hm, yeah, I haven't tried the port on dashing yet. We really need to change the code to declare_parameter before we use it. I probably won't have time for that soon, but if you provide a PR I can review it. Thanks.

clalancette commented 4 years ago

This should be fixed by the port that was just done in #30. Closing, but feel free to reopen if you still have problems.