Closed ahoarau closed 4 years ago
Thanks for the PR! I'm unable to reproduce on the noetic-devel
First I saved the following as pi.urdf
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<robot name="π">
<link name="link1"/>
<link name="link2"/>
<joint name="π12" type="revolute">
<parent link="link1"/>
<child link="link2"/>
<limit effort="10" velocity="10" lower="-1" upper="1"/>
Then I set it in the parameter server
$ rosparam set /joint_state_publisher_gui/robot_description -t pi.urdf
$ rosparam get /joint_state_publisher_gui/robot_description
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<urdf>\n <robot name=\"\u03C0\">\n <link name=\"link1\"\
/>\n <link name=\"link2\"/>\n\n <joint name=\"\u03C012\" type=\"revolute\"\
>\n <parent link=\"link1\"/>\n <child link=\"link2\"/>\n <limit effort=\"\
10\" velocity=\"10\" lower=\"-1\" upper=\"1\"/>\n </joint>\n </robot>\n</urdf>\n"
Finally I loaded the GUI:
$ rosrun joint_state_publisher_gui joint_state_publisher_gui
It seems to look fine to me. I see π
in the joint name in the GUI.
Since it's been a while and there is a merge conflict, I'll assume this PR is no longer necessary. Would you mind posting steps to reproduce if that's not the case?
Sorry I forgot about this one. The issue is when your locales are now all en_US (french and US in my case)
Sorry I forgot about this one. The issue is when your locales are now all en_US (french and US in my case)
@ahoarau Hmm I'm not sure what this means. Do I need to set any environment variables like LANG
? Would you be willing to open an issue with the steps to reproduce?
why not run with Chinese?
csj-wenyo@csjwenyo-ThinkPad-T490:~/catkin_ws/src/robotsim/urdf/urdf$ check_urdf urdf01_HelloWorld.urdf.txt robot name is: mycar ---------- Successfully Parsed XML --------------- root Link: base_footprint has 1 child(ren) child(1): base_link child(1): back_wheel child(2): front_wheel child(3): left_wheel child(4): right_wheel csj-wenyo@csjwenyo-ThinkPad-T490:~/catkin_ws/src/robotsim/urdf/urdf$
process[joint_state_publisher_gui-5]: started with pid [17029]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/csj-wenyo/catkin_ws/src/joint_state_publisher/joint_state_publisher/scripts/joint_state_publisher", line 42, in
Fixes by just making sure the description is in utf8 :