Closed EmadDeve20 closed 2 years ago
For questions like this, please ask them on, which is our central question and answer site. You should be able to get some help there. I'm going to close this one out.
@clalancette Thanks :D
My question sounds confusing I want my robot to move exactly like the robot inside rviz not like your code! Is this possible? I know I mean badly right now, so let me explain more precisely!
look at picture in down
now look at this picture
As you can see, I used your code in the second image, but it was different from the first image! The difference is that I want to shake that orange robot using a code like yours!
I saw your rviz message and your code was no different:
^ this message from RVIZ
^ this message from your UI
Is there a way I can shake like a rviz (orange robot) using a slider like your code? Your code is like doing a plan, but I want it before! Is there a way? I'm really confused.