ros / ros_comm

ROS communications-related packages, including core client libraries (roscpp, rospy, roslisp) and graph introspection tools (rostopic, rosnode, rosservice, rosparam).
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rosmsg show: apparent multiprocessing error #2231

Open tblock96 opened 2 years ago

tblock96 commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I'm on Windows 10 using Noetic installed with Chocolatey and working through the tutorials.

When attempting to follow step 3: Using rosmsg in this tutorial I have the attached output. As it's a runtime error and does not appear in any searches I figured I'd bring it here.

Some part of the error message will repeat every two or three seconds, ending with the blurb about freeze_support, until I interrupt the execution.


tblock96 commented 2 years ago

And unsurprisingly the same type of error appears with rossrv show, this one with a slightly different traceback but the same freeze_support message.


tblock96 commented 2 years ago

Apologies for raising a spurious issue.

When I ran roscore it would attempt to start multiple times and eventually give the same error messages.

I restarted my computer, killed all python processes, and rebuilt my catkin workspace and it seems the issues are resolved.

Hopefully nobody else has the same issues but at least now they're documented.