ros / ros_comm

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Rospy subscriber to `Image` topic high CPU in noetic vs. melodic #2374

Open franzpeter124 opened 3 months ago

franzpeter124 commented 3 months ago

During migration from melodic to noetic, I found that a subscription to a Image topic is very costly on noetic. I found this on my laptop as well as on Nvidia Jetson. Even though the callback does nothing and just pass, the subscriber node will take up much CPU.

I have compared melodic vs. noetic on the same laptop, both with plain ROS installation on a separate OS. Image size Frequency CPU publisher CPU subscriber
melodic 2000 15 25% 12%
noetic 2000 15 15% 25%
melodic 3000 30 95% 45%
noetic 3000 30 60% 90%

In my application I have multiple nodes subscribing to one Image topic, so this issue sums up over multiple nodes and results in very high overall CPU usage.



Minimal example with publisher and subscriber of Image topic: Publisher:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
import numpy as np
from cv_bridge import CvBridge

def publisher():
    # Initialize the ROS node
    rospy.init_node('image_publisher_node', anonymous=True)

    # Create a publisher to the 'white_image' topic
    pub = rospy.Publisher('white_image', Image, queue_size=1)

    # Set the loop frequency
    rate = rospy.Rate(30)  # 15 Hz

    # Create an all-white image
    size = 3000
    white_image = np.ones((size, size, 3), np.uint8) * 255

    # Initialize the CvBridge class
    bridge = CvBridge()

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        # Convert the image to a ROS Image message
        ros_image = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(white_image, encoding="bgr8")

        # Publish the image

        # Sleep to maintain the desired loop rate

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except rospy.ROSInterruptException:


#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image

def callback(data):

def subscriber():
    # Initialize the ROS node
    rospy.init_node('image_subscriber_node', anonymous=True)

    # Subscribe to the 'white_image' topic
    rospy.Subscriber('white_image', Image, callback, queue_size=1)

    # Spin to keep the script running

if __name__ == '__main__':