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The simulated turtle moves to a wrong direction with very large linear velocity #47

Closed zhoulaifu closed 5 years ago

zhoulaifu commented 5 years ago

The simulated turtle moves in a wrong direction if the linear velocity is very large. This issue can be reproduced with the following steps.

  1. Launch in a terminal the ROS master node with roscore.
  2. Launch in another terminal turtlesim_node with "rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node`.
  3. Publish a message from the command line in a third terminal in the /turtle1/cmd_vel topic: rostopic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '[10000000000000000,0,0]' '[0,0,0]'.

It can be seen that the published message is a velocity of type geometry_msgs/Twist. This velocity comes with a large linear speed in the x-axis, and 0 in the y-axis and z-axis. Thus, the simulated turtle is expected to move horizontally. In the current implementation, however, the turtle moves to the bottom-right direction (see screenshot below). Also, If we change the "10000000000000000" part in step 3 to a smaller number, say, "100000000", then the simulated turtle will move horizontally as expected.

The issue, in my humble opinion, is due to floating-point inaccuracy. I can provide a pull request if needed.

betab0t commented 5 years ago

seems like this behavior occurs also with smaller linear velocity values, the y-axis change is just too small to notice. i believe thats the root cause of this issue: so as you can see even if orient_ is zero, still there will be movement on the y-axis. ill try to provide a PR soon...

dirk-thomas commented 5 years ago

While the drawn line isn't very intuitive I don't think the result is wrong. Whenever the turtle hits the limit of the screen the position is clamped back into the visible range. In this case the distance is extremely large in x direction and due to floating point inaccuracy significant enough in y direction to travel to the border of the screen.

Since turtlesim is targeted to be a simple tutorial of ROS functionality I don't think it needs to handle this extreme input data anyhow different.

Therefore I will go ahead and close this ticket for now. Please feel free to continue commenting on it.

zhoulaifu commented 5 years ago

I believe that the FP inaccuracy can be largely reduced if, in ros_tutorials/turtlesim/src/turtle.cpp, we change

  pos_.rx() += std::sin(orient_ + PI/2.0) * lin_vel_ * dt;
  pos_.ry() += std::cos(orient_ + PI/2.0) * lin_vel_ * dt;


  pos_.rx() += std::cos(orient_) * lin_vel_ * dt;
  pos_.ry() += - std::sin(orient_) * lin_vel_ * dt;

This is based on the mathematical facts that sin(x+pi/2)=cos(x) and cos(x+pi/2)=-sin(x). See for example.

dirk-thomas commented 5 years ago

The proposed patch will indeed make the starting configuration better. But for any move with extreme speeds after a rotation the problem stays the same, see e.g. the result of the following sequence:


You would expect the last segment of the drawn line to be in the same direction as the second last segement.

If you would like to create a PR with your proposed change I am happy to merge it. I just don't see the point if it only addresses one special case.

zhoulaifu commented 5 years ago

The screenshot you showed above (the one with turtle_teleop_key) should be as expected (and therefore, should not invalidate the proposed fix IMHO). If you review line160-168 of ros_tutorials/turtlesim/src/turtle.cpp:

  // Clamp to screen size
  if (pos_.x() < 0 || pos_.x() > canvas_width ||
      pos_.y() < 0 || pos_.y() > canvas_height)
    ROS_WARN("Oh no! I hit the wall! (Clamping from [x=%f, y=%f])", pos_.x(), pos_.y());

  pos_.setX(std::min(std::max(static_cast<double>(pos_.x()), 0.0), static_cast<double>(canvas_width)));
  pos_.setY(std::min(std::max(static_cast<double>(pos_.y()), 0.0), static_cast<double>(canvas_height)));

To be sure, you can try commenting out the two lines with pos_.setX and pos_setY. I got this screenshot with your sequences of commands above:
