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Jade: Community wiki page audit #8284

Closed wjwwood closed 7 years ago

wjwwood commented 9 years ago
trainman419 commented 9 years ago

Teleop_twist_keyboard docs are up to date for jade

gavanderhoorn commented 9 years ago

I've checked all flagged ROS-Industrial pages. Following packages have not been released into Jade, rockers / seesaws are good:

Also checked pages. These were updated:


gavanderhoorn commented 9 years ago

Also checked view_controller_msgs and rviz_animated_view_controller: have also not yet been released.

vrabaud commented 9 years ago

@wjwwood : which dump did you use to generate that data ? theora_image_transport was modified in January. And versionedexample does not exist anymore

wjwwood commented 9 years ago

I got this list quite a while ago, though I merged a more recent list into at some point recently. Some of the pages may already be out of date.

wjwwood commented 9 years ago

@dirk-thomas I pruned this list using

wjwwood commented 7 years ago

I'm going to close this now as Jade is going EOL. Anyone can continue to use it as a reference to update potentially out-of-date wiki pages.