ros / urdf_tutorial

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fail to run the example in RoS2 foxy #54

Open yang-yuke opened 2 years ago

yang-yuke commented 2 years ago

Hi Dear urdf support team,

I am following this urdf tutorial on the RoS2 foxy tutorial. I have downloaded this urdf_tutorial folder to my RoS2 workspace and built it. image

Somehow, when I execute the below python script, there are some errors.

ros2 launch urdf_tutorial model:=urdf/01-myfirst.urdf

The error is as displayed in the below picture image

Seems there are some inherent code errors in the files you provide, because I don't see this parameter_description module in the launch_ros package. image

I haven't changed anything in the folder's files, but there are still such errors. Is it because the urdf_tutorial is still not supported in RoS2 foxy?

ilVecc commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue! Have you managed to solve this meanwhile @yang-yuke?

Edit: I have found this related issue

ilVecc commented 2 years ago

I have managed to solve this using parameters=[{'robot_description': Command(['xacro ', LaunchConfiguration('model')])}] and removing the unnecessary import, but now issue #55 emerged.

yang-yuke commented 2 years ago

Hi @ilVecc,

No, I haven't resolved the issue. I think this tutorial has not yet been supported in RoS2. I don't know why they post it on RoS2's WiKi. I have stopped struggling with it. Instead, I choose to go through the tutorial in RoS1. Now I feel much better.

clalancette commented 2 years ago

This looks to be a case where launch_ros, xacro, or joint_state_publisher_gui wasn't properly installed. For what it is worth, I'm able to run this tutorial just fine on Foxy and on Rolling now that #53 has been merged.

DLu commented 2 years ago

@yang-yuke Can you give the output of apt-cache policy ros-foxy-launch-ros | grep Installed

0smile commented 2 years ago

I'm facing the same problem, and here is my output: Installed: 0.11.4-1focal.20211005.225211

yang-yuke commented 2 years ago

@yang-yuke Can you give the output of apt-cache policy ros-foxy-launch-ros | grep Installed

Hi @DLu,

The output of apt-cache policy ros-foxy-launch-ros | grep Installed is as below for me. image

yang-yuke commented 2 years ago

This looks to be a case where launch_ros, xacro, or joint_state_publisher_gui wasn't properly installed. For what it is worth, I'm able to run this tutorial just fine on Foxy and on Rolling now that #53 has been merged.

Hi Chris,

Thank you so much!!! Your answer is short and to the point. After install Xacro with the command sudo apt install ros-foxy-xacro, combined with following the steps from this webpage of this fellow(lukicdarkoo), I can see my rviz2 window will pop out with the command ros2 launch urdf_tutorial model:=urdf/01-myfirst.urdf, as displayed below.

Still, I have one thing unclear. In the below picture, I see some [RTPS_TRANSPORT_SHM Error] Failed init_port fastrtps_port7412: messages. Is this per expected? Or does it mean something is wrong with my installation? image.

There is also one caveat here, just in case some rookie like me might run into it. We need to run the local_setup.bash file of this package(urdf_tutorial) before we launch its instances.

yang-yuke commented 2 years ago

Hi Dear Mr. Chris,

I ran into an issue again. When I try to launch the urdf file, it is not working as expected. There is nothing showing up in the rviz. It is not like before. Could you please help take a look at it for me?

//Ideally, there should be a red cylinder showing up, but nothing in the rviz window. Not sure what is happening. image

yang-yuke commented 2 years ago

Try to run the example today again. Somehow, the cylinder shows up again. Just it is not so round. There are obvious corners. Looks more like a polygon rather than a round shape. image

careslab commented 1 year ago

Hi All, I've been having the same issues as above on foxy/windows 10. I just ran and compiled the code. All the build and execution errors are in the attached file. It is a great demo--it would be nice if it worked on Windows/Foxy. urdf_errors.pdf


DLu commented 1 year ago

@careslab What version of launch_ros are you using?