ros2 / ci

ROS 2 CI Infrastructure
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Run manual jobs with sequential executor by default #757

Closed cottsay closed 4 months ago

cottsay commented 4 months ago

Until we can drive down the amount of flakiness in ROS tests running under system load, run manual jobs with the sequential executor.

``` Connecting to Jenkins '' Connected to Jenkins version '2.319.2' Updating job 'ci_linux' (dry run) <<< --- remote config +++ new config @@ -177 +177 @@ - --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" + --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" --executor sequential >>> Skipped 'test_ci_linux' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'ci_packaging_linux' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'test_packaging_linux' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'packaging_linux' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux_debug' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux_address_sanitizer' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux_clang_libcxx' because the config is the same (dry run) Updating job 'ci_linux_clang_libcxx' (dry run) <<< --- remote config +++ new config @@ -177 +177 @@ - --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" --packages-select rcutils + --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" --packages-select rcutils --executor sequential >>> Skipped 'nightly_linux_thread_sanitizer' because the config is the same (dry run) Updating job 'ci_linux_coverage' (dry run) <<< --- remote config +++ new config @@ -177 +177 @@ - --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" --packages-skip qt_gui_cpp --packages-skip-by-dep qt_gui_cpp --packages-up-to action_msgs ament_index_cpp builtin_interfaces class_loader composition_interfaces console_bridge_vendor diagnostic_msgs fastcdr fastrtps foonathan_memory_vendor geometry_msgs libstatistics_collector libyaml_vendor lifecycle_msgs nav_msgs rcl rcl_action rcl_interfaces rcl_lifecycle rcl_logging_spdlog rcl_yaml_param_parser rclcpp rclcpp_action rclcpp_components rclcpp_lifecycle rcpputils rcutils rmw rmw_dds_common rmw_fastrtps_cpp rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp rmw_implementation rosgraph_msgs rosidl_default_runtime rosidl_runtime_c rosidl_runtime_cpp rosidl_typesupport_c rosidl_typesupport_cpp rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp rosidl_typesupport_interface rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp spdlog_vendor statistics_msgs std_msgs std_srvs tracetools trajectory_msgs unique_identifier_msgs visualization_msgs interactive_markers launch_testing_ros message_filters ros2action ros2component ros2doctor ros2interface ros2lifecycle ros2lifecycle_test_fixtures ros2param ros2topic rosbag2_compression rosbag2_cpp rosbag2_storage rosbag2_storage_default_plugins rosbag2_test_common rosbag2_tests rosbag2_transport rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_generator_py rosidl_runtime_py rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests test_cli test_cli_remapping test_communication test_launch_ros test_msgs test_quality_of_service test_rclcpp test_security test_tf2 test_tracetools tf2 tf2_bullet tf2_eigen tf2_geometry_msgs tf2_kdl tf2_msgs tf2_py tf2_ros tf2_sensor_msgs + --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" --packages-skip qt_gui_cpp --packages-skip-by-dep qt_gui_cpp --packages-up-to action_msgs ament_index_cpp builtin_interfaces class_loader composition_interfaces console_bridge_vendor diagnostic_msgs fastcdr fastrtps foonathan_memory_vendor geometry_msgs libstatistics_collector libyaml_vendor lifecycle_msgs nav_msgs rcl rcl_action rcl_interfaces rcl_lifecycle rcl_logging_spdlog rcl_yaml_param_parser rclcpp rclcpp_action rclcpp_components rclcpp_lifecycle rcpputils rcutils rmw rmw_dds_common rmw_fastrtps_cpp rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp rmw_implementation rosgraph_msgs rosidl_default_runtime rosidl_runtime_c rosidl_runtime_cpp rosidl_typesupport_c rosidl_typesupport_cpp rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp rosidl_typesupport_interface rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp spdlog_vendor statistics_msgs std_msgs std_srvs tracetools trajectory_msgs unique_identifier_msgs visualization_msgs interactive_markers launch_testing_ros message_filters ros2action ros2component ros2doctor ros2interface ros2lifecycle ros2lifecycle_test_fixtures ros2param ros2topic rosbag2_compression rosbag2_cpp rosbag2_storage rosbag2_storage_default_plugins rosbag2_test_common rosbag2_tests rosbag2_transport rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_generator_py rosidl_runtime_py rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests test_cli test_cli_remapping test_communication test_launch_ros test_msgs test_quality_of_service test_rclcpp test_security test_tf2 test_tracetools tf2 tf2_bullet tf2_eigen tf2_geometry_msgs tf2_kdl tf2_msgs tf2_py tf2_ros tf2_sensor_msgs --executor sequential >>> Skipped 'test_linux_coverage' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux_coverage' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux_humble_coverage' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux_iron_coverage' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux_release' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux_repeated' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux_xfail' because the config is the same (dry run) Updating job 'ci_linux-aarch64' (dry run) <<< --- remote config +++ new config @@ -177 +177 @@ - --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" + --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" --executor sequential >>> Skipped 'test_ci_linux-aarch64' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'ci_packaging_linux-aarch64' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'test_packaging_linux-aarch64' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'packaging_linux-aarch64' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux-aarch64_debug' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux-aarch64_release' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux-aarch64_repeated' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux-aarch64_xfail' because the config is the same (dry run) Updating job 'ci_linux-rhel' (dry run) <<< --- remote config +++ new config @@ -177 +177 @@ - --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" + --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" --executor sequential >>> Skipped 'test_ci_linux-rhel' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'ci_packaging_linux-rhel' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'test_packaging_linux-rhel' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'packaging_linux-rhel' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux-rhel_debug' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux-rhel_release' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux-rhel_repeated' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_linux-rhel_xfail' because the config is the same (dry run) Updating job 'ci_windows' (dry run) <<< --- remote config +++ new config @@ -187 +187 @@ - --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" + --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" --executor sequential >>> Updating job 'test_ci_windows' (dry run) <<< --- remote config +++ new config @@ -324,0 +325,3 @@ +if "!CI_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE!" == "Debug" ( + set "CI_ARGS=!CI_ARGS! --python-interpreter python_d" +) >>> Skipped 'ci_packaging_windows' because the config is the same (dry run) Updating job 'test_packaging_windows' (dry run) <<< --- remote config +++ new config @@ -293,0 +294,3 @@ +if "!CI_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE!" == "Debug" ( + set "CI_ARGS=!CI_ARGS! --python-interpreter python_d" +) >>> Skipped 'packaging_windows' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'packaging_windows_debug' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_win_deb' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_win_rel' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_win_rep' because the config is the same (dry run) Skipped 'nightly_win_xfail' because the config is the same (dry run) Updating job 'ci_launcher' (dry run) <<< --- remote config +++ new config @@ -173 +173 @@ - --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" + --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" --executor sequential >>> Updating job 'test_ci_launcher' (dry run) <<< --- remote config +++ new config @@ -173 +173 @@ - --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" + --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m "not xfail" --executor sequential >>> ```
cottsay commented 4 months ago

Ugh, this messes up the cppcheck test exclusion for RHEL jobs. is such a mess.

cottsay commented 4 months ago

Ugh, this messes up the cppcheck test exclusion for RHEL jobs. is such a mess.

Alright, I think it's time to drop that old cppcheck workaround: #758