ros2 / design

Design documentation for ROS 2.0 effort
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Documentation linter #295

Open ahcorde opened 3 years ago

ahcorde commented 3 years ago

This issue is to define how we want to check that all API is documented. In particular to check if there are undocumented functions, parameters or attributes in the code.

I think that make sense to include another linter inside the ament_lint package.

Right now, all these packages contains a Doxyfile in the source repositories : action_msgs, ament_index_cpp, builtin_interfaces, class_loader, composition_interfaces, console_bridge_vendor, diagnostic_msgs, foonathan_memory_vendor, geometry_msgs, libconsole-bridge-dev, libstatistics_collector, libyaml_vendor, lifecycle_msgs, nav_msgs, rcl, rcl_action, rcl_interfaces, rcl_lifecycle, rcl_logging_spdlog, rcl_yaml_param_parser, rclcpp, rclcpp_action, rclcpp_components, rclcpp_lifecycle, rcpputils, rcutils, rmw, rmw_dds_common, rmw_fastrtps_cpp, rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp, rmw_implementation, rosgraph_msgs, rosidl_default_runtime, rosidl_runtime_c, rosidl_runtime_cpp, rosidl_typesupport_c, rosidl_typesupport_cpp, rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c, rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp, rosidl_typesupport_interface, sensor_msgs, shape_msgs, spdlog_vendor, statistics_msgs, std_msgs, std_srvs, stereo_msgs, trajectory_msgs, unique_identifier_msgs and visualization_msg.

I was reviewing the current implementation in ROS. It uses rosdoc_lite which is a tool that uses a file called rosdoc.yaml to generate the documentation. If this file contains an entry for Doxygen (builder: doxygen) them it will create a Doxyfile based on a template.

Some of the ROS 2 packages generate some code that it's installed in the install folder. Right now, these generated files are not included in the Doxyfile, the Doxyfile it's desing to execute it inside the package's source directory.

Explained the context my suggestion are:

This setup I think it's more scalable if decide to change the Doxygen template then we don't need to commit in every repository and it will allow to point the installed folder.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

This issue is to define how we want to check that all API is documented. In particular to check if there are undocumented functions, parameters or attributes in the code.

Are you planning to use some tooling for this?

I've used this (with varying success) in the past: psycofdj/coverxygen.

jacobperron commented 3 years ago

If the proposed ament_doxygen tool is going to do more than documentation related linter checks (e.g. actually generate HTML documentation), then it can probably live in it's own repository instead of ament_lint.

I wonder if we really need a rosdoc.yaml file. Couldn't the same information be given to the proposed ament_doxygen command? I'm not sure what this looks like in the context of a pure Python package (or if pure Python packages are in scope).

This setup I think it's more scalable if decide to change the Doxygen template then we don't need to commit in every repository and it will allow to point the installed folder.

It might also be valuable to let packages supply their own Doxygen files (e.g. override the default provided by ament_doxygen).

ahcorde commented 3 years ago

I have been reading the article "ROS 2 Documentation System" which is not public yet, bit it's available in the ros2/desing repository. This article describes the proposed system for doing documentation for ROS 2. It has some TODOs and it was original wrote by @wjwwood , I don't know what is the status/relevance of this article because last commit was done 3 Feb 2016. Can you provide a quick update about this article? or links to futher discussions?

Another maybe related topic is in the REP 149 (Package Manifest Format Three Specification) exists a field called but the REP indicates that this is unused right now:

The current version of the buildsystem does not provide any documentation specific functionality

Is there any ideas about how this field should be used in the future? Because this field may help with the tags in Doxygen.

dirk-thomas commented 3 years ago

The current version of the buildsystem does not provide any documentation specific functionality

While the build system doesn't utilize doc dependencies atm the buildfarm does within the ROS 1 doc jobs.

ahcorde commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure what this looks like in the context of a pure Python package (or if pure Python packages are in scope).

I started doing this for the Quality Level 1 packages which are mainly C++, I think that Python uses Sphinx to generate the documentation. Maybe I can generalize this new linter and call it ament_lint_doc to include both engines.

It might also be valuable to let packages supply their own Doxygen files (e.g. override the default provided by ament_doxygen).

For packages such as rclcpp that generates some files, we should override or at least generate a new Doxyfile on in the build directory with the right path to the installed include folder