ros2 / launch

Tools for launching multiple processes and for writing tests involving multiple processes.
Apache License 2.0
124 stars 139 forks source link

launch_test no newline after test name #706

Open benjinne opened 1 year ago

benjinne commented 1 year ago

Bug report

Required Info:

Steps to reproduce issue

/opt/ros/humble/launch_test share/launch_testing/examples/

Expected behavior

Print each test name on it's own line

test_count_to_four (good_proc_launch_test.TestGoodProcess) ... 
[INFO] [python3-1]: process started with pid [451737]

Actual behavior

test_count_to_four (good_proc_launch_test.TestGoodProcess) ... [INFO] [python3-1]: process started with pid [451737]