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MessagePoolMemoryStrategy may not compile #1972

Open tschoepping opened 2 years ago

tschoepping commented 2 years ago

Bug report

Required Info:

Steps to reproduce issue

Try to refer to the rclcpp::strategies::message_pool_memory_strategy::MessagePoolMemoryStrategy<MessageT, Size, > type with template argument MessageT being a type with non-fixed size. For instance, define a message type in Bytes.msg:

byte[] data

Then use this type for the memory strategy:

rclcpp::strategies::message_pool_memory_strategy::MessagePoolMemoryStrategy<my_package::msg::Bytes, some_size>

Expected behavior

The code should compile.

Actual behavior

Compilation fails with error:

error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct std::enable_if<false, void>’

Additional information

When checking the class definition of MessagePoolMemoryStrategy the issue becomes apparent:

  typename MessageT,
  size_t Size,
  typename std::enable_if<
  >::type * = nullptr
class MessagePoolMemoryStrategy
  : public message_memory_strategy::MessageMemoryStrategy<MessageT>

The issue is caused by the way how template< bool B, class T = void > struct enable_if is used here. The resulting struct only has a member type if B is true. Otherwise, no member type is generated and as result, accessing ::type is invalid. So whenever rosidl_generator_traits::has_fixed_size<MessageT>::value evaluates to false, compilation of will fail, since the code always tries to access the type, no matter what.

A fix might look like this (not yet tested!):

  typename MessageT,
  size_t Size,
  > = nullptr
class MessagePoolMemoryStrategy
  : public message_memory_strategy::MessageMemoryStrategy<MessageT>

Ideally the message pool should be scaled in a way to satisfy an upper bound for the size of individual messages. Unfortunately, I don't see how this can be achieved with the current API.


I am not an experienced ROS(2) user. I just tried to implement some benchmarks in a real-time environment. Maybe the short answer to this issue is "RTFM", but I could barely find more documentation than the real-time examples provided with ROS2 and the according tutorials in the docs and since the code causing the compilation error is in fact flawed, I decided to submit this as an issue.

llapx commented 2 years ago


this issue happend very early, see, I also wonder to known if it is a design limit for memory management?

Barry-Xu-2018 commented 2 years ago

Seems that it isn't a bug.
Refer to the description of class MessagePoolMemoryStrategy, it said "Templating allows the program to determine the memory required for this object at compile time.".
For the message with non-fixed size, it cannot determine required memory at compile time. So message type is checked by rosidl_generator_traits::has_fixed_size.

clalancette commented 2 years ago

As @Barry-Xu-2018 this, seems to be by design for use with fixed-sized messages.

That said, I think part of the problem here is that when C++ templates fail to compile, it can be hard to figure out why. One possible way to improve this is to remove the std::enable_if part of the template, and instead make the check for a fixed-size message a static_assert. That should give us more control over the message, and make it easier for users to figure out why it is failing. That said, we haven't actually tried this out to see if it is feasible, so someone would need to do that.

Orthogonally but related, many of the core ROS 2 messages use std_msg/msg/Header, which includes an unbounded string for the frame_id. That means that many of the core ROS 2 messages probably can't be used with the MesasgePollMemoryStrategy. It may be worthwhile to investigate whether we could make that a bounded string, and whether that would allow more messages to be used with this strategy.