ros2 / rclcpp

rclcpp (ROS Client Library for C++)
Apache License 2.0
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undefined reference to `__atomic_exchange_1' #2150

Closed Jpgig closed 1 year ago

Jpgig commented 1 year ago

I am using the ros2/rclcpp package for PolarFireSOC yocto build and getting the below error:


Steps followed: 1) $ mkdir yocto-dev && cd yocto-dev $ repo init -u -b main -m default.xml repo sync repo rebase . ./meta-polarfire-soc-yocto-bsp/ MACHINE=icicle-kit-es bitbake mpfs-dev-cli

2) Added ROS2 Humble meta layer git clone -b honister-humble

3) updated bblayers.conf file to add ROS2 humble meta layers build/conf/bblayers.conf

/meta-ros/meta-ros2 \ /meta-ros/meta-ros2-humble \ /meta-ros/meta-ros-common \ 4) also added following variables in the bblayers.conf file # define the ROS 2 Yocto target release ROS_OE_RELEASE_SERIES = "honister" # define ROS 2 distro ROS_DISTRO = "humble" 5) created as below: require SUMMARY = "An image including a bare-minimum installation of ROS 2 and including some basic pub/sub examples. It includes two DDS middleware implementations, FastDDS and Cyclone DDS" DESCRIPTION = "${SUMMARY}" inherit ros_distro_${ROS_DISTRO} inherit ${ROS_DISTRO_TYPE}_image ROS_SYSROOT_BUILD_DEPENDENCIES = " \ ament-lint-auto \ ament-cmake-auto \ ament-cmake-core \ ament-cmake-cppcheck \ ament-cmake-cpplint \ ament-cmake-export-definitions \ ament-cmake-export-dependencies \ ament-cmake-export-include-directories \ ament-cmake-export-interfaces \ ament-cmake-export-libraries \ ament-cmake-export-link-flags \ ament-cmake-export-targets \ ament-cmake-gmock \ ament-cmake-gtest \ ament-cmake-include-directories \ ament-cmake-libraries \ ament-cmake \ ament-cmake-pytest \ ament-cmake-python \ ament-cmake-ros \ ament-cmake-target-dependencies \ ament-cmake-test \ ament-cmake-version \ ament-cmake-uncrustify \ ament-cmake-flake8 \ ament-cmake-pep257 \ ament-copyright \ ament-cpplint \ ament-flake8 \ ament-index-python \ ament-lint-cmake \ ament-mypy \ ament-package \ ament-pclint \ ament-pep257 \ ament-pycodestyle \ ament-pyflakes \ ament-uncrustify \ ament-xmllint \ cmake \ eigen3-cmake-module \ fastcdr \ fastrtps-cmake-module \ fastrtps \ git \ gmock-vendor \ gtest-vendor \ pkgconfig \ python-cmake-module \ python3-catkin-pkg \ python3-empy \ python3 \ python3-nose \ python3-pytest \ rcutils \ rmw-implementation-cmake \ rosidl-cmake \ rosidl-default-generators \ rosidl-generator-c \ rosidl-generator-cpp \ rosidl-generator-dds-idl \ rosidl-generator-py \ rosidl-parser \ rosidl-runtime-c \ rosidl-runtime-cpp \ rosidl-typesupport-c \ rosidl-typesupport-cpp \ rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-cpp \ rosidl-typesupport-interface \ rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c \ rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp \ foonathan-memory-vendor \ libyaml-vendor \ " IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \ ros-base \ examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-client \ examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-server \ examples-rclcpp-minimal-client \ examples-rclcpp-minimal-composition \ examples-rclcpp-minimal-publisher \ examples-rclcpp-minimal-service \ examples-rclcpp-minimal-subscriber \ examples-rclcpp-minimal-timer \ examples-rclcpp-multithreaded-executor \ examples-rclpy-executors \ examples-rclpy-minimal-action-client \ examples-rclpy-minimal-action-server \ examples-rclpy-minimal-client \ examples-rclpy-minimal-publisher \ examples-rclpy-minimal-service \ examples-rclpy-minimal-subscriber \ demo-nodes-cpp \ demo-nodes-cpp-rosnative \ demo-nodes-py \ cyclonedds \ rmw-cyclonedds-cpp \ tmux \ python3-argcomplete \ glibc-utils \ localedef \ rt-tests \ stress \ ${ROS_SYSROOT_BUILD_DEPENDENCIES} \ opencv-staticdev \ libstdc++ \ libstdc++-dev \ " IMAGE_LINGUAS = "en-us" GLIBC_GENERATE_LOCALES = "en_US.UTF-8" 6) Build the image: MACHINE=icicle-kit-es bitbake demo-image-ros2 Appreciate any help to resolve this issue.
fujitatomoya commented 1 year ago

@Jpgig thanks for creating issue, but i am not sure yocto build is officially supported. what about creating issue on or originally (which does not seem to support humble...) ?

mjcarroll commented 1 year ago

@Jpgig friendly ping, can you consider moving this to a location where you are more likely to get support?

From a quick look, it seems that you aren't linking with atomic, which isn't always included by default on some platforms. There is probably something in your buildsystem to enable that for your platform.

Jpgig commented 1 year ago
