ros2 / rclcpp

rclcpp (ROS Client Library for C++)
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TypeAdapted publishing doesn't use provided allocator #2477

Open thomasmoore-torc opened 3 months ago

thomasmoore-torc commented 3 months ago

Bug report

Required Info:

Steps to reproduce issue

Create a publisher using an adapted type and a custom allocator

using AdaptedType = rclcpp::adapt_type<std::string>::as<std_msgs::msg::String>;

auto alloc = std::make_shared<MyAllocator<void>>();
rclcpp::PublisherOptionsWithAllocator<MyAllocator<void>> publisher_options;
publisher_options.allocator = alloc;
auto publisher = node->create_publisher<AdaptedType>(
  "allocator_tutorial", 10, publisher_options);

publisher->publish("A string");

Expected behavior

The ROS message that is created by Publisher::publish() will be allocated using the provided allocator.

Actual behavior

The ROS message is allocated using std::make_unique<ROSMessageType>()

Additional information

Rather than using std::make_unique<ROSMessageType>(), the create_ros_message_unique_ptr() can be used instead in the following two locations:

-       auto ros_msg_ptr = std::make_unique<ROSMessageType>();
+       auto ros_msg_ptr = create_ros_message_unique_ptr();
fujitatomoya commented 3 months ago

@thomasmoore-torc thank you for creating the issue and suggested fix, see

thomasmoore-torc commented 3 months ago

@fujitatomoya - I noticed that the Windows build had some test failures, and while looking into that, I noticed that there were some similar issues to this introduced as part of Would it make sense to incorporate the following changes as part of this issue?

-       auto ros_msg_ptr = std::make_shared<ROSMessageType>();
+       auto ros_msg_ptr = std::allocate_shared<ROSMessageType, ROSMessageTypeAllocator>(ros_message_type_allocator_);
fujitatomoya commented 3 months ago

@thomasmoore-torc thanks for checking this. i was aware of windows failure. will try to patch it as well.