ros2 / rmw_zenoh

RMW for ROS 2 using Zenoh as the middleware
Apache License 2.0
142 stars 29 forks source link

docker run zenoh router fails without tty flag #206

Open ggari-robotnik opened 2 weeks ago

ggari-robotnik commented 2 weeks ago

Description of the Issue

I just created a container where rmw_zenoh deb packages are created and installed on the container.

Here is my compose file where the router works fine:

name: "zenoh_rmw"
    image: >-
    tty: true
    command: "ros2 run rmw_zenoh_cpp rmw_zenohd"
    stop_signal: SIGTERM

If run the container without tty:true

name: "zenoh_rmw"
    image: >-
    #tty: true
    command: "ros2 run rmw_zenoh_cpp rmw_zenohd"
    stop_signal: SIGTERM
docker compose up

The output:

router-1  | 2024-06-21T12:56:01.011224Z DEBUG ThreadId(02) zenoh::session: Config: Config { id: fca00e661bceb62e60cc864b7882c12e, metadata: Null, mode: Some(Router), connect: ConnectConfig { timeout_ms: None, endpoints: [], exit_on_failure: None, retry: None }, listen: ListenConfig { timeout_ms: None, endpoints: [tcp/[::]:7447], exit_on_failure: None, retry: None }, scouting: ScoutingConf { timeout: Some(3000), delay: Some(1), multicast: ScoutingMulticastConf { enabled: Some(false), address: Some(, interface: Some("auto"), ttl: None, autoconnect: Some(Dependent(ModeValues { router: Some(WhatAmIMatcher(128)), peer: Some(WhatAmIMatcher(131)), client: None })), listen: Some(Unique(true)) }, gossip: GossipConf { enabled: Some(true), multihop: Some(false), autoconnect: Some(Dependent(ModeValues { router: Some(WhatAmIMatcher(128)), peer: Some(WhatAmIMatcher(131)), client: None })) } }, timestamping: TimestampingConf { enabled: Some(Dependent(ModeValues { router: Some(true), peer: Some(true), client: Some(false) })), drop_future_timestamp: Some(false) }, queries_default_timeout: Some(10000), routing: RoutingConf { router: RouterRoutingConf { peers_failover_brokering: Some(true) }, peer: PeerRoutingConf { mode: Some("peer_to_peer") } }, aggregation: AggregationConf { subscribers: [], publishers: [] }, transport: TransportConf { unicast: TransportUnicastConf { accept_timeout: 10000, accept_pending: 100, max_sessions: 1000, max_links: 1, lowlatency: false, qos: QoSUnicastConf { enabled: true }, compression: CompressionUnicastConf { enabled: false } }, multicast: TransportMulticastConf { join_interval: Some(2500), max_sessions: Some(1000), qos: QoSMulticastConf { enabled: false }, compression: CompressionMulticastConf { enabled: false } }, link: TransportLinkConf { protocols: None, tx: LinkTxConf { sequence_number_resolution: U32, lease: 10000, keep_alive: 4, batch_size: 65535, queue: QueueConf { size: QueueSizeConf { control: 1, real_time: 1, interactive_high: 1, interactive_low: 1, data_high: 2, data: 4, data_low: 4, background: 4 }, congestion_control: CongestionControlConf { wait_before_drop: 1000 }, backoff: 100 }, threads: 4 }, rx: LinkRxConf { buffer_size: 65535, max_message_size: 1073741824 }, tls: TLSConf { root_ca_certificate: None, server_private_key: None, server_certificate: None, client_auth: Some(false), client_private_key: None, client_certificate: None, server_name_verification: None, root_ca_certificate_base64: None, server_private_key_base64: None, server_certificate_base64: None, client_private_key_base64: None, client_certificate_base64: None }, unixpipe: UnixPipeConf { file_access_mask: None } }, shared_memory: SharedMemoryConf { enabled: false }, auth: AuthConf { usrpwd: UsrPwdConf { user: None, password: None, dictionary_file: None }, pubkey: PubKeyConf { public_key_pem: None, private_key_pem: None, public_key_file: None, private_key_file: None, key_size: None, known_keys_file: None } } }, adminspace: AdminSpaceConf { enabled: false, permissions: PermissionsConf { read: true, write: false } }, downsampling: [], access_control: AclConfig { enabled: false, default_permission: Deny, rules: None }, plugins_loading: PluginsLoading { enabled: false, search_dirs: None }, plugins: Object {} }
router-1  | 2024-06-21T12:56:01.012019Z DEBUG ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::runtime: Zenoh Rust API v93f93d2d
router-1  | 2024-06-21T12:56:01.012022Z  INFO ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::runtime: Using ZID: fca00e661bceb62e60cc864b7882c12e
router-1  | 2024-06-21T12:56:01.012026Z DEBUG ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::routing::interceptor::access_control: Access control is disabled
router-1  | 2024-06-21T12:56:01.013200Z DEBUG ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::routing::hat::router::network: [Routers network] Add node (self) fca00e661bceb62e60cc864b7882c12e
router-1  | 2024-06-21T12:56:01.013471Z DEBUG ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::routing::hat::router::network: [Peers network] Add node (self) fca00e661bceb62e60cc864b7882c12e
router-1  | 2024-06-21T12:56:01.013759Z DEBUG ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::routing::router: New Face{0, fca00e661bceb62e60cc864b7882c12e}
router-1  | 2024-06-21T12:56:01.014186Z DEBUG ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::runtime::orchestrator: Try to add listener: tcp/[::]:7447: ConnectionRetryConf { exit_on_failure: true, period_init_ms: 1000, period_max_ms: 4000, period_increase_factor: 2.0 }
router-1  | 2024-06-21T12:56:01.014287Z DEBUG ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::runtime::orchestrator: Listener added: tcp/[::]:7447
router-1  | 2024-06-21T12:56:01.014477Z  INFO ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::runtime::orchestrator: Zenoh can be reached at: tcp/
router-1  | Started Zenoh router with id fca0e661bceb62e60cc864b7882c12e.
router-1  | terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
router-1  |   what():  Failed to get old console mode
router-1  | [ros2run]: Aborted
router-1 exited with code 250

my entrypoint file is the following:

set -e

# Set up ROS environment
source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash --
exec "$@"

Operating System

OS: Ubuntu 22.04 Docker version: CE 26.1.3 Container Ros Version: Iron RMW Zenoh version: rolling branch (commit: 7609e413af380182985ce52b8946a8ec598e7f60)

Yadunund commented 1 week ago

Is this a docker specific issue? Does it also happen with deb binaries created outside of docker?

ggari-robotnik commented 1 week ago

Hi, Have no idea since what could happen on the host system. But I think that since I will use it in bash console the problem will be absent.

Timple commented 1 week ago

I had similar issues when running ros2 run rmw_zenoh_cpp rmw_zenohd& on my normal pc.

When I pop it out from the background, nodes started connecting to it again. Might be related.

reinzor commented 4 hours ago

This also happens when I try to start the daemon via a launch file:

  <node pkg="rmw_zenoh_cpp" exec="rmw_zenohd" output="screen" shell="true" emulate_tty="true" />
[INFO] [rmw_zenohd-1]: process started with pid [42980]
[rmw_zenohd-1] Started Zenoh router with id 2d9a65a78571c0406d116095c0c1b422.
[rmw_zenohd-1] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
[rmw_zenohd-1]   what():  Failed to get old console mode
[rmw_zenohd-1] Aborted (core dumped)