ros2 / ros1_bridge

ROS 2 package that provides bidirectional communication between ROS 1 and ROS 2
Apache License 2.0
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ROS1 Bridge doesn't work with custom service #349

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago


I have 2 workspaces.

In the ros2 workspace, I have cpp_srvcli and ex_interfaces package. In cpp_srvcli, I just copy add_two_ints_client.cpp and add_two_ints_server.cpp from ros2 wiki; In ex_interfaces, I define a srv named AddTwoInts.srv

int64 a
int64 b
int64 sum

In the ros1 workspace, I have one package roscpp_kakaka to which just copy roscpp_tutorials package from and change its name. And I use the srv named TwoInts.srv

int64 a
int64 b
int64 sum

What's more, I followed and added a my_mapping_rules.yaml in the package ex_interfaces. I checked the rosservice list and ros2 service list, the services names are both /add_two_ints.

  ros1_package_name: 'roscpp_kakaka'
  ros1_service_name: '/add_two_ints'
  ros2_package_name: 'ex_interfaces'
  ros2_service_name: '/add_two_ints'

After I built the ros1_bridge and run

# Shell A:
roscore -p 11311
# Shell B:
. <ros-install-dir>/setup.bash
. <ros2-install-dir>/setup.bash
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge
# Shell C:
. <ros-install-dir>/setup.bash
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
rosrun roscpp_kakaka add_two_ints_server
# Shell D:
. <ros2-install-dir>/setup.bash
ros2 run cpp_srvcli client x y

in seperate terminals, the Shell D response

[INFO] [1648132685.709708988] [rclcpp]: service not available, waiting again...

Could you help me? The ros2 client and ros2 server works; And the ros1 client and ros1 server works, too.

Surely, I modified the add_two_ints_client.cpp" in ros2 package to fit my package nameex_interfaceinstead ofexample_interfaces`.

I also run ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge --print-pairs to check pairs, but there are only these pairs like

- 'example_interfaces/srv/AddTwoInts' (ROS 2) <=> 'roscpp_tutorials/TwoInts' (ROS 1)
- 'example_interfaces/srv/AddTwoInts' (ROS 2) <=> 'rospy_tutorials/AddTwoInts' (ROS 1)

I can't find any pair about my package ex_interfaces or cpp_srvcli.

I'm a noob and need help QAQ.

poplinis commented 2 years ago

Where are you building ros1_bridge? Do you source its install location after building? I was having a very similar issue that was caused by accidentally running the prebuilt ros1_bridge that came with my ros2 install (and thus only included the default interfaces) rather than the version that was built to include my custom messages.