ros2 / ros1_bridge

ROS 2 package that provides bidirectional communication between ROS 1 and ROS 2
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problem during converting grid_map_msgs message from ros1 to ros2 #388

Open ArghyaChatterjee opened 1 year ago

ArghyaChatterjee commented 1 year ago

Bug report

Required Info:

Steps to reproduce issue

I have converted a grid_map_msgs type message from ros1 to ros2. I have a ros1 version for noetic and ros2 version for foxy. I have installed ros-noetic-grid-map-msgs from binaries in ros1 and built grid-map-msgs foxy devel in ros2 from the source. Now I can convert the message to 90% using ros1_bridge and I can see the message is able to publish the grid_map_msgs in ros2 but for some reason, the header and frame id seems to be publishing null value in ros2 side. Other data are correct.

ROS2 repo: ROS1 repo:

For ros1 side, grid_map_msgs looks following:

# Grid map header
GridMapInfo info

# Grid map layer names.
string[] layers

# Grid map basic layer names (optional). The basic layers
# determine which layers from `layers` need to be valid
# in order for a cell of the grid map to be valid.
string[] basic_layers

# Grid map data.
std_msgs/Float32MultiArray[] data

# Row start index (default 0).
uint16 outer_start_index

# Column start index (default 0).
uint16 inner_start_index 

grid_map_info looks following:

# Header (time and frame)
Header header

# Resolution of the grid [m/cell].
float64 resolution

# Length in x-direction [m].
float64 length_x

# Length in y-direction [m].
float64 length_y

# Pose of the grid map center in the frame defined in `header` [m].
geometry_msgs/Pose pose

For ros2 side, grid_map_msgs looks following:

# Header (time and frame)
std_msgs/Header header

# Grid map header
GridMapInfo info

# Grid map layer names.
string[] layers

# Grid map basic layer names (optional). The basic layers
# determine which layers from `layers` need to be valid
# in order for a cell of the grid map to be valid.
string[] basic_layers

# Grid map data.
std_msgs/Float32MultiArray[] data

# Row start index (default 0).
uint16 outer_start_index

# Column start index (default 0).
uint16 inner_start_index

grid_map_info_msgs looks the following:

# Resolution of the grid [m/cell].
float64 resolution

# Length in x-direction [m].
float64 length_x

# Length in y-direction [m].
float64 length_y

# Pose of the grid map center in the frame defined in `header` [m].
geometry_msgs/Pose pose

As you can clearly see, in ros2 side the header and frame id has been swapped from grid_map_info to grid_map_msgs. In ros1 side, the header and frame id was inside grid_map_info and grid_map_info was called inside grid_map_msgs.

Expected behavior

The grid_map_msgs ros2 package should map the frame id and header from the grid_map_info_msgs in ros1 package. During mapping, the way it should map: grid_map_msgs.msgs.GridMap.header (ros2) = grid_map_msgs.GridMapInfo.header (ros1) grid_map_msgs.msgs.GridMap.frame_id (ros2) = grid_map_msgs.GridMapInfo.frame_id (ros1)

Actual behavior

The grid_map_msgs ros2 package is mapping the frame id and header from the grid_map_msgs in ros1 package right now. grid_map_msgs.msgs.GridMap.header (ros2) = grid_map_msgs.GridMap.header (ros1, which is null) grid_map_msgs.msgs.GridMap.frame_id (ros2) = grid_map_msgs.GridMap.frame_id (ros1, which is null)

The Problem showing right now

[INFO] [1670545266.987060675] [rviz]: Message Filter dropping message: frame '' at time 0.000 for reason 'EmptyFrameID'

My question is, how can I manually edit the conversion file (inside build/install of bridge workspace) so that I can map that specific element (header and frameid) inside grid_map_msgs manually before or after the build?

ArghyaChatterjee commented 1 year ago

Can anyone respond to this issue ? I need it urgent.

Codaero commented 4 months ago

This issue is still ongoing, I am having the same exact trouble too